
Open Gitlab issues for Graylog alerts

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Gitlab Issue Alert

Build Status Graylog Marketplace

Gitlab Issue Alert allows you to create a Gitlab Issue from Graylog alert messages.


Requires Graylog 2.0 or later.


Download the plugin and place the .jar file in your plugins folder that is configured in your graylog.conf as described in the Graylog documentation.

Restart graylog-server: service graylog-server restart


Step 1

Create a new private token for the user that will be used to open the issue

Step 2

Add a new alert notification in your Graylog-interface and select Gitlab Issue as the notification type.

The message is a template that can be configured as described in the Graylog Documentation


This project is using Maven and requires Java 8 or higher.

You can build the plugin using the following command:

mvn package

The plugin file gitlab-issue-x.x.x.jar will be saved in the target directory

Plugin Release

Versions are released using the maven release plugin:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

TravisCI builds and uploads the release artifacts automatically.


Based on TelegramAlert