
Flipping the "Please silence and stow your phones prior to tonight's performance" message on it's head.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSCI 390: Senior Capstone

Elijah Verdoorn, Deandre Bauswell, David Ellenberger

Fall 2017


To get started developing on this project, you'll need the following technologies configured on your machine:

  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • MySQL

The project relies heavily on the following packages:

  • Express
  • Sequelize


To begin developing, do the following:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Start MySQL
  3. Run scripts/initDatabase.sql on your local MySQL instance
  4. Install node packages with $ npm install
  5. Migrate the database by running the migrations found in the migrations folder. This can be accomplished by running $ npm run db:migrate:up
  6. Start a development server with $ npm start

Happy hacking!!


This code is tested with Jest. To run the tests, ensure that you have created the database in your local MySQL instance, then do the following:

  1. Run migrations on testing database with npm run db:migrate:up:test
  2. Run tests with npm test

All tests should pass before merge requests are created.


This code is documented with JSDoc, and uses the NPM package apidoc to generate useful representations of that documentation. To generate docs for this code:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install apidoc (npm install -g apidoc)
  3. Create folder doc, where documents will be stored
  4. Run npm run document to generate docs
  5. Open docs/index.html in a web browser