Creating a DevOps like on Solaris
Note I am excited to announce a new initiative. we are in middle of replacing/migrating the Devops Manager Python script with a new front-end(Angular) / back-end(NodeJS + Mongo).
I hope to publish preliminary code in the upcoming weeks on Github, still plenty of work to get to a full migration with all features, but basic functionality is almost done.
This repository contains a copy of the Oracle Solaris Python DevOps Script as well as all related reqierd SMF and related startup scripts. compatible / tested with Oracle Solaris 11.3/11.4+
This document provides instructions on how to install and use the Solaris Python DevOps Script. the script helps automate Oracle Solaris Zone deployments as well as snap/cloning a ZFS associated file systems which then gets mounted in the zone by NFS, created on a ZFS Appliance. See the deployment notes for additional details.
Script Options.
./ -h usage: [-h] [-e [{test,dev,stage}]] -u USER [-p [PASSWORD]] [-t [{app,db}]] [-v [DBVERSION]] [-vl [DBLASTVERSION]] [-s | -d | -r {app,db} | -fr [FULLROTATE]] [-U USERID | -a [ALL]] [-i | -l [{sum,det,listZones}] | -n ] Create VM(zone) with associated /apps1 clone optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e [{test,dev,stage}], --env [{test,dev,stage}] select environment dev, test, stage(default is dev) -u USER, --user USER create zone with give login credentials. -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD] password for give login credentials. -t [{app,db}], --appType [{app,db}] select zone/VM type. app or db(default is app) -v [DBVERSION], --dbVersion [DBVERSION] create / rotate zone using given db version(default is db_version in versions.ini, managed by -n flag). -vl [DBLASTVERSION], --dbLastVersion [DBLASTVERSION] create / rotate zone using given db version(default is latest_db_version in versions.ini, managed by -nl flag). -s, --imgStat returns VM(zone) live information, e.g. Global Zone, IP, Port, File System, details. -d, --delete delete VM(zone) with associated snap(s) -r {app,db}, --rotateImg {app,db} rotate / sync update /apps1. for informix DB: refresh to latest DB copy(/ifxsrv). -fr [FULLROTATE], --fullRotate [FULLROTATE] rotate update /apps1, informix DB, refresh all to the default copy (unless otherwise noted with -v). -U USERID, --userID USERID returns zones created by given user ID. -a [ALL], --all [ALL] returns zones created by all users. -i [], --jiraid [] associated Jira ID -l [{sum,det,listZones}], --listZones [{sum,det,listZones}] list all active zones, options are summary or details(sum, det) -n [], --setDBVers [] Updated App or DB version default version
Version 0.9 One of the major changes in the new version version 0.9, is. the new version replaces the use of rsync with ZFS local replication, which in some of our use cases 3x-10x faster. the script should continue to function the the same with the update to ZFS local replication, the updates are mostly under the covers.
The use of ZFS local replication required a set of 10 ZFSSA operations(REST calls), quite a complex configuration, but is a much safer and efficient process.
Make sure to read the release notes for all changes.
Version 0.8.1 Miner fix / update to be able to set ldap servers, user dn in the devops_manager.ini file.
Version 0.8 This version adds many new features, including creating different zone types, security like user/password/roles to create zones, better zone reporting. make sure to read the release notes for all changes.
Version 0.7.1
This version greatly improves / simplifies all configuration modifications by using the Python ConfigParser module.
Detail release notes are available available here.
The following Python libraries are required:# Modules import os import re import sys import pwd import time import datetime import json import ldap import getpass import logging import configparser import argparse import pickledb from subprocess import PIPE, Popen from multiprocessing import Process import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()Note: You can install libraries by running pip install [library] or (if available) by doing a pkg install [library] form the Oracle Solaris repository. The directory layout are explained below.import as zonemgr import as smf import as kbind import rad.client as radc import rad.connect as radcon import rad.auth as rada
- main/ main script, to create/delete/stats clones
- main/devops_config.ini: main configuration file.
- main/db_version.ini: conatins the curent db version number.
- main/access.db: conatins all access user roles.
- main/ stress test / fork script - run with with the argument [number simultaneous runs]
- main/bin/scripts: directory contains smf startup related scripts - create on source zone to be cloned on evrey zone
- main/conf/xml_files: directory contains smf related xml files, LDAP cert files, used at cloning time
For the full installation details you can follow this document installation documentation. docs/index.html
Below is an exmaple workflow we are using.
./ -h usage: [-h] [-e [{test,dev,stage}]] -u USER [-p [PASSWORD]] [-t [{app,db}]] [-v DBVERSION] [-s | -d | -r {app,db}] [-U USERID | -a [ALL]] [-i | -l [{sum,det,listZones}] | -n ]Create VM(zone) with associated /apps1 clone
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e [{test,dev,stage}], --env [{test,dev,stage}] select environment dev, test, stage(default is dev) -u USER, --user USER create zone with give login credentials. -p [PASSWORD], --password [PASSWORD] password for give login credentials. -t [{app,db}], --appType [{app,db}] select zone/VM type. app or db(default is app) -v DBVERSION, --dbVersion DBVERSION create / rotate zone using given db version(default is db_version in devops_config.ini). -s, --imgStat returns VM(zone) live information, e.g. Global Zone, IP, Port, File System, details. -d, --delete delete VM(zone) with associated snap(s) -r {app,db}, --rotateImg {app,db} rotate / sync update /apps1. for informix DB: refresh to latest DB copy(/ifxsrv). -U USERID, --userID USERID returns zones created by given user ID. -a [ALL], --all [ALL] returns zones created by all users. -i [], --jiraid [] associated Jira ID -l [{sum,det,listZones}], --listZones [{sum,det,listZones}] list all active zones, options are summary or details(sum, det) -n [], --dbVers [] New / updated DB version
To clone a regular zone(app) just run something like the below.
./ -i -u user -i jiraMenu3 Please enter user's LDAP password : Note: you are accessing this application as a: admin Evaluating system resources availability. Please wait... Cloning VM/Zone z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 and associated file systems Progress is being logged to zone_vm.log -------------------------------- Cloning VM/Zone z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 and associated file systems Progress is being logged to zone_vm.log -------------------------------- =============================================================== ******* NOTE: Informix is only running on dc1-devops1 ******* (devops1) =============================================================== -------========= Active data center =========------- VM/Zone Name: z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 Hostname: devops1 Zone Port: 31020 DB Port: 31520 Internal IP Address: VM Mount source: apps1_z-source DB Mount source: ifxdb-do_v-5-z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 VM Mount destination: /apps1 DB Mount destination: /ifxsrv Installation of zone z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 in HA successfully completed. -------========= Standby data center =========------- [snip]...
To clone a DB zone just run something like the below.
./ -i db105 -u usera -t db -p Note: you are accessing this application as a: admin Evaluating system resources availability. Please wait... Getting latest available db version for ifxdb-do_v-. Successfully got next version as ifxdb-do_v-5. Cloning VM/Zone z-db-v5-1556825338-db105 and associated file systems Progress is being logged to zone_vm.log -------------------------------- Cloning VM/Zone z-db-v5-1556825338-db105 and associated file systems Progress is being logged to zone_vm.log -------------------------------- Sync to new db ifxdb-do_v-5 is in progress.. please be patient... This can take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Note: The sync is running in HA only i.e. DR will complete first with data available once HA is up. [snip]...
And the log file will look something like the below.
cat zone_vm.log # Failed attempt. 2018-10-17 13:43:42,745:z-1539798222-jir10:INFO: Validating configuration request. 2018-10-17 13:43:43,048:z-1539798222-jir10:INFO: Snapshot snap_z-1539798222-jir10 is valid. continuing... 2018-10-17 13:43:43,385:z-1539798222-jir10:INFO: Clone apps1_z-1539798222-jir10 is valid. continuing... 2018-10-17 13:43:43,385:z-1539798222-jir10:INFO: Checking source zone availability... 2018-10-17 13:43:43,467:z-1539798222-jir10:ERROR: Source zone z-source, Stat: running, NOT available for cloning... exiting. # Successful attempt. 2018-11-21 10:06:44,774:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Verifying zone name is not in use, please wait... 2018-11-21 10:06:44,775:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host1-gz 2018-11-21 10:06:53,319:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host2-gz 2018-11-21 10:06:55,792:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host3-gz 2018-11-21 10:06:56,234:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host4-gz 2018-11-21 10:06:58,920:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Zone name for jir162 is not in use, continuing... 2018-11-21 10:06:58,921:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Evaluating system resource availability, please wait... 2018-11-21 10:07:11,265:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Host: dc1-host1-gz, load-avg: 23.40, free-mem: 361347, total-active zones: 15. 2018-11-21 10:07:14,872:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Host: dc1-host2-gz, load-avg: 4.55, free-mem: 140250, total-active zones: 5. 2018-11-21 10:07:15,241:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Host: dc1-host3-gz, load-avg: 0.62, free-mem: 14243, total-active zones: 0. 2018-11-21 10:07:15,241:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Skipping host dc1-host3-gz. CPU to high, or Memory to low. 2018-11-21 10:07:19,618:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Host: dc1-host4-gz, load-avg: 0.14, free-mem: 186275, total-active zones: 7. 2018-11-21 10:07:19,618:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Selecting Host: dc1-host4-gz with load average of 0.14. 2018-11-21 10:07:19,649:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Validating configuration request. 2018-11-21 10:07:19,649:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Checking source zone availability... 2018-11-21 10:07:19,944:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Snapshot snap_z-1542812804-jir162 is valid. continuing... 2018-11-21 10:07:20,246:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Clone apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 is valid. continuing... 2018-11-21 10:07:20,246:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking source zone availability... 2018-11-21 10:07:21,608:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Zone z-source is available(installed). continuing... 2018-11-21 10:07:21,608:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Configuring new zone: z-1542812804-jir162... 2018-11-21 10:07:21,703:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Zone z-source is available(installed). continuing... 2018-11-21 10:07:21,703:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Configuring new zone: z-1542812804-jir162... 2018-11-21 10:07:22,489:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Configuring zone z-1542812804-jir162 successful. 2018-11-21 10:07:22,489:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: All checks in ha passed, continuing. 2018-11-21 10:07:22,609:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Preparing zone z-1542812804-jir162. Setting zone properties... 2018-11-21 10:07:22,742:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Configuring zone z-1542812804-jir162 successful. 2018-11-21 10:07:22,742:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: All checks in dr passed, continuing. 2018-11-21 10:07:22,861:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Preparing zone z-1542812804-jir162. Setting zone properties... 2018-11-21 10:07:23,848:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully set zone z-1542812804-jir162 properties. 2018-11-21 10:07:23,848:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Cerating snapshot: snap_z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:07:24,202:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Successfully set zone z-1542812804-jir162 properties. 2018-11-21 10:07:24,202:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: CLONING VM/Zone 2018-11-21 10:07:24,323:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Source zone: z-source 2018-11-21 10:07:24,442:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Destination zone: z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:07:24,442:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Please wait... 2018-11-21 10:07:24,443:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Generating zone port, used with SSH. 2018-11-21 10:07:24,515:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Snapshot created successfully. 2018-11-21 10:07:24,515:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Verifying snapshot availability. 2018-11-21 10:07:24,564:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Generated 31018 as the zone SSH port. 2018-11-21 10:07:24,803:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Snapshot snap_z-1542812804-jir162 available. continuing... 2018-11-21 10:07:24,804:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: CLONING file-systems 2018-11-21 10:07:24,804:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Source: /apps1 2018-11-21 10:07:24,804:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Destination: apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:07:24,804:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Please wait... 2018-11-21 10:07:27,853:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully created clone apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:07:27,853:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: CLONING VM/Zone 2018-11-21 10:07:27,970:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Source zone: z-source 2018-11-21 10:07:28,090:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Destination zone: z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:07:28,091:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Please wait... 2018-11-21 10:07:28,091:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Generating zone port, used with SSH. 2018-11-21 10:07:28,214:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Generated 31018 as the zone SSH port. 2018-11-21 10:08:13,045:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully created zone z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:08:13,285:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Booting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 for the first time. Please wait... 2018-11-21 10:08:23,079:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully booted VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 10:08:23,198:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Verifying VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 RAD connection availability. 2018-11-21 10:08:23,859:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:25,339:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:26,819:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:28,243:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Successfully created zone z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 10:08:28,300:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:28,482:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Booting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 for the first time. Please wait... 2018-11-21 10:08:29,781:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:31,262:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:32,741:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:34,222:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:35,703:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:37,182:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:38,663:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:40,144:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:41,624:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:42,328:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Successfully booted VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 10:08:42,447:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Verifying VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 RAD connection availability. 2018-11-21 10:08:44,067:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is accessible. 2018-11-21 10:08:44,165:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:45,335:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:08:45,650:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:47,129:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:48,058:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:08:48,610:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:50,092:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:51,197:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:08:51,571:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:53,051:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:54,531:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is not accessible yet. 2018-11-21 10:08:56,980:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: RAD server is accessible. 2018-11-21 10:08:57,830:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:08:59,463:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:00,552:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:03,224:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:03,272:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:05,992:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:08,713:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:09,768:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:11,436:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:12,488:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:14,154:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:15,209:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:16,875:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:17,929:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:19,598:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:20,862:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:24,052:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:25,810:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:26,776:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:28,529:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:29,494:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:31,251:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:32,214:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:33,973:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:09:34,935:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:36,693:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:09:37,658:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:39,413:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:09:40,376:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:42,135:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:09:43,100:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:44,854:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:09:47,336:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Enabling service related to mount /apps1, in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 10:09:48,145:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for /apps1 mount. successful. 2018-11-21 10:09:48,265:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Getting z-1542812804-jir162 IP and Port information. 2018-11-21 10:09:49,708:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: New VM/Zone is available on dc1-host4-gz, with IP Address: Port 31018 2018-11-21 10:09:49,946:z-1542812804-jir162(HA):INFO: Installation of zone z-1542812804-jir162 in HA successfully completed. 2018-11-21 10:09:56,932:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:09:59,654:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:10:02,375:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:10:05,096:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently DISABLED. 2018-11-21 10:10:07,819:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:10:10,538:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:10:13,257:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Waiting for network services to come ONLINE, curently OFFLINE. 2018-11-21 10:10:15,738:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Enabling service related to mount /apps1, in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 10:10:16,580:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Service enabled for /apps1 mount. successful. 2018-11-21 10:10:16,698:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Getting z-1542812804-jir162 IP and Port information. 2018-11-21 10:10:18,141:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: New VM/Zone is available on dc2-host4-gz, with IP Address: Port 31018 2018-11-21 10:10:18,379:z-1542812804-jir162(DR):INFO: Installation of zone z-1542812804-jir162 in DR successfully completed.
To access the Zone/VM you just ssh to the global-zone port in this example 31018.
ssh global-zone -p 31018
Similar you can delete the zone by running the below (it will delete all associated snaps/clones).
./ -d -i jir162 Finding server containing zone for jir162 in HA. Finding server containing zone for jir162 in DR. Found jir162 on dc2-host4-gz in dr. Deleting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 and associated snap_z-1542812804-jir162 on dc2-host4-gz. Progress is being logged in zone_vm.log -------------------------------- Found jir162 on dc1-host4-gz in ha. Deleting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 and associated snap_z-1542812804-jir162 on dc1-host4-gz. Progress is being logged in zone_vm.log -------------------------------- Uninstall/delete completed successfully.
Log output - with associated snaps/clones.
2018-11-21 12:25:48,141:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Finding server containing zone for jir162. 2018-11-21 12:25:48,142:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:48,143:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Finding server containing zone for jir162. 2018-11-21 12:25:48,144:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc2-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:53,910:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc2-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:53,911:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc2-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,387:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,388:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,392:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc2-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,393:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc2-host3-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,767:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc2-host3-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:56,767:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc2-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:58,560:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:58,561:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host3-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:59,026:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host3-gz. 2018-11-21 12:25:59,026:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:26:00,064:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Found jir162 on dc2-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:26:00,064:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Deleting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 on dc2-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:26:00,306:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Preparing removal of z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:26:00,425:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Halting z-1542812804-jir162, please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:02,152:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Found jir162 on dc1-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:26:02,152:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Deleting VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 on dc1-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:26:02,390:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Preparing removal of z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:26:02,512:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Halting z-1542812804-jir162, please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:05,919:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Halting z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:05,920:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Uninstalling z-1542812804-jir162 please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:06,741:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Halting z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:06,742:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Uninstalling z-1542812804-jir162 please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:09,680:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Uninstalling z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:09,804:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Deleteing z-1542812804-jir162 please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:10,572:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Deleteing configuration of z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:10,572:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Removing zone SSH port mapping configuration. 2018-11-21 12:26:10,573:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Zone SSH port mapping removed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:10,573:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Deleting clone/snapshots related to zone: z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 12:26:10,573:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Searching for snaps related to zone snap_z-1542812804-jir162 2018-11-21 12:26:10,956:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Found 3 snap/clones related to zone snap_z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:26:10,957:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Snap snap_z-1542812804-jir162 related to zone z-1542812804-jir162, will be deleted. 2018-11-21 12:26:15,080:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Clone/snapshot apps1_snap_z-1542812804-jir162 and associated snap_snap_z-1542812804-jir162 deleted successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:15,081:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Snap snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542820294 related to zone z-1542812804-jir162, will be deleted. 2018-11-21 12:26:15,519:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Uninstalling z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:15,640:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Deleteing z-1542812804-jir162 please wait... 2018-11-21 12:26:16,398:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Deleteing configuration of z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:16,399:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Removing zone SSH port mapping configuration. 2018-11-21 12:26:16,403:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Zone SSH port mapping removed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:16,404:z-1542821148-jir162(DR):INFO: Removel of zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:18,602:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Clone/snapshot apps1_snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542820294 and associated snap_snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542820294 deleted successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:18,602:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Snap snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542821084 related to zone z-1542812804-jir162, will be deleted. 2018-11-21 12:26:22,880:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Clone/snapshot apps1_snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542821084 and associated snap_snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542821084 deleted successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:22,881:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Uninstall/delete of VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. 2018-11-21 12:26:22,881:z-1542821148-jir162(HA):INFO: Removel of zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully.
Rotaing a zone.
./ -r app -i jir162 Finding server containing zone for jir162 in HA. Found jir162 on dc1-host4-gz in HA. (HA)Rotating /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162.. please wait... (HA)Rotation of /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully. Finding server containing zone for jir162 in DR. Found jir162 on dc2-host4-gz in DR. (DR)Rotating /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162.. please wait... (DR)Rotation of /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully.
Log output - rotaing a zone.
2018-11-21 12:11:34,871:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Validating VM/Zone status.. please wait... 2018-11-21 12:11:34,871:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Finding server containing zone for jir162. 2018-11-21 12:11:34,872:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:43,409:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host1-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:43,409:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:45,770:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host2-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:45,770:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host3-gz.. 2018-11-21 12:11:46,851:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: No VM/Zone for jir162 on dc1-host3-gz.. 2018-11-21 12:11:46,851:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Checking Global Zone dc1-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:49,885:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Found jir162 on dc1-host4-gz. 2018-11-21 12:11:50,181:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Rotating /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162... 2018-11-21 12:11:50,655:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Verifying VM/Zone z-1542812804-jir162 RAD connection availability. 2018-11-21 12:11:52,285:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: RAD server is accessible. 2018-11-21 12:11:53,037:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Cerating snapshot: snap_z-1542820294-jir162 2018-11-21 12:11:53,664:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Snapshot created successfully. 2018-11-21 12:11:53,664:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: CLONING file-systems 2018-11-21 12:11:53,664:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Source: /apps1 2018-11-21 12:11:53,664:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Destination: apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 2018-11-21 12:11:53,664:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Please wait... 2018-11-21 12:11:56,651:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully created clone apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 2018-11-21 12:11:56,651:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Setting apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 as /apps1_clone. 2018-11-21 12:11:57,369:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Successfully set apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 as /apps1_clone mount. 2018-11-21 12:11:57,487:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Enabling service related to mount apps1_z-1542820294-jir162, in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:11:58,209:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 mount. successful. 2018-11-21 12:11:58,327:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Enabling service related to mount rsync, in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:11:59,048:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for rsync mount. successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:00,889:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Disableing service related to mount NA in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:01,609:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for NA mount successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:01,611:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Sync to /apps1_clone(apps1_z-1542820294-jir162) completed sucssfuly. 2018-11-21 12:12:01,728:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Disableing service related to mount rsync in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:02,448:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for rsync mount successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:02,569:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Disableing service related to mount apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:03,289:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 mount successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:03,409:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Disableing service related to mount apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:04,129:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 mount successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:04,130:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Renaming snap: from snap_z-1542812804-jir162 to snap_z-1542812804-jir162-1542820294. 2018-11-21 12:12:05,197:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Renaming clone: from apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 to apps1_z-1542812804-jir162-1542820294. 2018-11-21 12:12:07,863:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Renaming snap: from snap_z-1542820294-jir162 to snap_z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:08,927:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Renaming clone: from apps1_z-1542820294-jir162 to apps1_z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:11,641:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Enabling service related to mount apps1_z-1542812804-jir162, in zone z-1542812804-jir162. 2018-11-21 12:12:12,362:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Service enabled for apps1_z-1542812804-jir162 mount. successful. 2018-11-21 12:12:12,362:z-1542820294-jir162(HA):INFO: Rotation of /apps1(apps1_z-1542812804-jir162) in zone z-1542812804-jir162 completed successfully.
Checking zone resources Getting the most information...(adding -l det and -a) Note: -a for all zones, and -l det for full details.
./ -l det -u usera -a Please enter usera's LDAP password : Note: you are accessing this application as a: admin Checking system resources. please wait... ----------------============= HA =============--------------- Global Zone: devops1 / (dc1-devops1) ----------------============= ++ =============--------------- Please wait... while we gather information... z-1559233309-jiraMenu5 : [-------------------------> ]92% Active Zones: ------------------------------------------------------------ ZONE NAME TYPE VER PORT CREATED BY ------------------------------------------------------------ z-db-source DB N/A 31002 root z-1551898417-jircopy020519 APP N/A 31012 userc z-1552923560-jira124 APP N/A 31013 userc z-1554480751-UNX-999 APP N/A 31011 userc z-1555593119-migration-master APP N/A 31016 userc z-fs-source FS v1 31003 root z-1557156336-UNX-159412 APP v5 31017 userb z-db-v6-1557163375-db106 DB v6 31018 usera z-1557175109-UNX-159411 APP v5 31019 userb z-1557858367-jiraMenu APP v6 31015 usera z-1559231863-jiraMenu3 APP v5 31020 usera z-1559233309-jiraMenu5 APP v5 31021 usera ------------------------------------------------------------- * Denotes the default(active) DB ----------------============= ++ =============--------------- Zones Details: ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: 1 Active Zone Count: 12 Global Zone Free Memory: 187464 Mb 15 Minute Load Average: 0.25 Current DB version: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ Global Zone: devops2 / (dc1-devops2) ----------------============= ++ =============--------------- Please wait... while we gather information... z-1559232422-jiraMenu4 : [------------------------> ]89% Active Zones: ------------------------------------------------------------ ZONE NAME TYPE VER PORT CREATED BY ------------------------------------------------------------ z-1550602019-jira103 APP N/A 31011 userc z-1550610548-jira104 APP N/A 31012 userc z-1554125109-genero-poc APP N/A 31014 userc z-fs-source FS v1 31003 root z-db-v5-1556825338-db105 DB v5* 31018 usera z-1557163823-UNX-159413 APP v5 31013 userb z-1557239055-family-test APP v5 31015 userb z-1558040749-jiraMenu2 APP v5 31016 usera z-1559232422-jiraMenu4 APP v5 31017 usera ------------------------------------------------------------- * Denotes the default(active) DB ----------------============= ++ =============--------------- Zones Details: ------------------------------------------------------------ ID: 2 Active Zone Count: 9 Global Zone Free Memory: 174867 Mb 15 Minute Load Average: 0.27 Current DB version: 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------============= DR =============--------------- ...[snip]
zoneadm output on some cloned zones.
zoneadm list -cv ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / solaris shared 1 z-1550602019-jira103 running /zones/z-1550602019-jira103 solaris excl 2 z-1550610548-jira104 running /zones/z-1550610548-jira104 solaris excl 7 z-1554125109-genero-poc running /zones/z-1554125109-genero-poc solaris excl 12 z-fs-source running /zones/z-fs-source solaris excl 31 z-db-v5-1556825338-db105 running /zones/z-db-v5-1556825338-db105 solaris excl 34 z-1557163823-UNX-159413 running /zones/z-1557163823-UNX-159413 solaris excl 38 z-1557239055-family-test running /zones/z-1557239055-family-test solaris excl 39 z-1558040749-jiraMenu2 running /zones/z-1558040749-jiraMenu2 solaris excl 40 z-1559232422-jiraMenu4 running /zones/z-1559232422-jiraMenu4 solaris excl - z-source installed /zones/z-source solaris excl - z-db-source installed /zones/z-db-source solaris excl ...
Screen shout of the associated ZFS Appliance snap/clone(s).
Note: Additional details are avalble at Creating A DevOps Like Environment In Oracle Solaris 11.3/11.4 By Using RAD And REST
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.