
The API behind the DIVA Score App. Built with PayloadCMS. Hosted on Payload Cloud.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

DIVA Score Backend API

This is the CMS for DIVA Score, the app.


This repo is using a shared types repo from elilemons/diva-score-lib. In order for that to work you will need to adjust your local machines ~/.ssh/config file

  1. cd ~/.ssh
  2. nano config
  3. adjust your github Host to be
Host github.com*
  HostName github.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/FILENAME_OF_YOUR_LOCAL_SSH

Note: To find the FILENAME_OF_YOUR_lOCAL_SSH, run ls in after running cd ~/.ssh and use the same key that you use to authenticate with your github account

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo
  • Create and fill out an .env file with the contents from the .env.example file
  • Run Yarn (if this fails on the @elilemons/diva-score-lib install, look above)
  • yarn dev will boot the payload express server up