
openscad design of case for sinclair scientific emulator

Primary LanguageOpenSCAD


openscad design of case for sinclair scientific emulator (tindie, hackaday, github)

version 3 image


  • case.scad the main design
  • definitons.scad all measurements
  • plugs.scad simple plugs to hold the PCB in place (through mounting holes)
  • stl:
    • v1: original, native inches
    • v2: scaled up to use native mm
    • v3: adjustments after first print


Special keycodes

I always forget these and get stuck. Copying them here to prevent that.

  • C+5 = button test ('C'+'C' to end test)
  • C+6 = secret message edit (+ key to advance) (eli note: to cancel, press + key a bunch)
  • C+7 = toggle datamath / sinclair roms
  • C+8 = toggle slow / fast cpu
  • C+9 = show secret message
  • C+C = turn off (put to sleep)

Initial prototype (v1/2)

Couple of issues.

  • Slot for PCB isn't quite tall enough to fit the soldered leads. The PCB itself fits nicely. I think I should have a two-layer design: keep the slot as is, but then depress the back a bit so the leads have room.
  • Battery is just entirely in the wrong place. I don't think I actually ever measured it.
  • Plugs are way too small. I think I should try squares or ovals so that there's some room for form-fitting.

I'm thinking of writing a function that takes care of adjustments for me:

// becomes
LENGTH = adj(orig=5, meas=5.1);

Nah, maybe not worth it.

Plugs were supposed to be diameter 0.125, and are more like 0.115. Holes came out right, however (0.135). I want to make the plugs ellipses, so the major axis should be a bit too big and the minor a bit small. This may need further adjustment, but I can always hack this together, or just print new ones.