Neo4j Getting Started Guide

This repository contains the AsciiDoc and other sources to build the Neo4j Getting Started Guide.


To build these docs locally you will need Node & NPM installed.

To install the dependencies run:

npm install

Live Preview

To preview the docs, run:

npm run start

This will build a set of HTML files in build/site and then serve them through an express server at http://localhost:8000. The start script will also listen for changes and automatically rebuild the files automatically. You’ll still need to refresh the page to view the changes.


To make changes to this repository, please create a fork of this repo and a new branch to stage your changes.

Branch management

The docs-getting-started repo contains the following branches:

  • dev - this branch is published on the staging server, as a preview, but we will never publish from this branch publicly.

  • main - this is the currently published version, and therefore is the branch that we publish the GSG from. PRs merged into this branch will be published live immediately.

  • Other (versioned) branches — 3.5, 4.0, 4.4, 5.x, etc. — are not maintained any longer.

Raising Pull Requests

  • Always raise Pull Requests against the dev branch.

  • Please add at least one approver.

  • When merging a Pull Request, always use the "Squash and Merge" option.

  • After a Pull Request has been merged, you can publish the changes immediately by cherry-picking the PR to the main branch.