Basic picture webpage generator - to run, use on terminal: python /pathto/pictures descriptions.txt output.html full-site where - '/pathto/pictures' is the directory to the pictures you want to list in an html page. Make sure the pictures are not in subdirectories. - 'descriptions.txt' is a textfile that contains all the discriptions you will put under the pictures. Each description is seperated by a new line - 'output.html' is the textfile where we will put the resulting html code - 'full-site' is a tag used to just give html code of not only the pictures but of wrapping html code so that the resulting text can be made into a stand-alone html page. By default, without the tag, the script will get the html string to embed into your own html page. For example, in this folder, run python TREXPICS disc.txt index.html full-site to get a basic webpage showing images and discriptions. Background: I started with the code to generate html code for the body of a webpage I had for a class. I had to process some images with python code and display them in this webpage. I wrote this script so that I can easily put all the photos I want into the html page. If I had to resize the images on the page, I can change the <img> tag in my code. If I had to select different images, I would put different image names in I wrote after for fun, extending what I did in to create a standalone html page. But the problem with these codes were that I had to manually change variables inside to select images and discriptions on my html code. I made to provide an easier, more flexible interface. Now any user does not have to modify the code itself to create a webpage. Instead, they put their pictures in a folder and discriptions in any text file. They just need to pass in the folder and text file to get their page.