
Avoin Ministeriö

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Avoin Ministeriö

Avoin Ministeriö -verkkopalvelu.


If you want more information about the project, drop us an email to main@avoinministerio.flowdock.com.


  1. Clone the repository

     git clone git@github.com:avoinministerio/avoinministerio.git
  2. .rvmrc

    It might be a good idea to use .rvmrc file to set ruby environment

     w168:avoinministerio arttu$ cat .rvmrc
     rvm use 1.9.3-p125@avoinministerio --create
     w168:avoinministerio arttu$

    This way you will always be running the same ruby version with a defined gemset under this directory.

  3. Check that you have the right ruby version (1.9.X)

  4. Install the required gems

     cd avoinministerio
     bundle install --without production:linux_test

    if you are developing on Linux replace linux_test with mac_test

  5. Create database.yml in the config folder by copying database.yml.example and modifying it

     cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
  6. Create a pre-commit hook that runs automated tests before each commit and keeps you from committing if some tests fail. Create a file called pre-commit in the .git/hooks directory, and copy this content to it:

     #!/usr/bin/env ruby
     require File.expand_path('../../../config/application', __FILE__)

    Also make the file executable:

     chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
  7. Setup the database (create DB, load schema, load seed data)

     bundle exec rake db:setup
  8. Start the app

     bundle exec rails s

Post installation

Run tests with:

bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
bundle exec rake spec

Run tests when RED-GREEN-REFACTOR:

bundle exec guard

Development process

  1. Optionally read unofficial Ruby style guidelines before starting to write code

  2. Fork the repository in Github

  3. Clone your fork and setup the remote repository

     git clone git@github.com:<username>/avoinministerio.git
     cd avoinministerio
     git remote add avoinministerio git@github.com:avoinministerio/avoinministerio.git
  4. Create a feature branch

     # The first two commands are not needed if you just cloned, but they don't hurt you either
     git checkout master
     git pull avoinministerio master
     git push     # to push commits from avoinministerio/master to your fork's master
     git push origin origin:refs/heads/new-feature
     git fetch origin
     git checkout --track -b new-feature origin/new-feature
     git pull
     git rebase master
  5. Hack, commit and push your feature

     git add .
     git commit -m "Commit message"
     git push

    If the commit fails due to failing tests but you need to commit your changes nevertheless, use the --no-verify switch.

     git commit -m "Commit message" --no-verify
     git push
  6. Pull and rebase the upstream repository

     git checkout master
     git pull avoinministerio master
     git push
     git checkout new-feature
     git rebase master
     # fix possible conflicts
     git push

Sometimes git says this when you try to push the rebased branch:

"To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the 'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details."

In that case, you need to run

    git pull --rebase
    git push

If you're lazy, you can configure git so that it always uses the --rebase switch when you run git pull.

    git config pull.rebase true
  1. Run tests to confirm your tests work with rebased master

     bundle install
     bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
     bundle exec rake spec
  2. Create a pull request in Github


Pull request process

  1. Add new developer's repository to remote if needed

     git remote add kalleya git@github.com:kalleya/avoinministerio.git
  2. Bring his repository into yours. Please notice the output of the command, it says which branches the fetch brought.

     git fetch kalleya
  3. Check the branch if needed with

    git branch -a   # lists all local and remote branches
    # pick one remote branch that you'll test for merging
    # checkout remote branch as a local branch
    git checkout -b ui-fixes-incl-drafts kalleya/ui-fixes-incl-drafts
  4. Setup for testing

     bundle install
     bundle exec rake db:migrate db:test:prepare
     # if db:migrate also emptied your db you probably need to seed some data
     bundle exec rake db:seed
     bundle exec rake spec
     rails s
     # if everything works then you're ready for final step, jump to 6
  5. If things fail, hack around, make needed commits, and push to avoinministerio/master

  6. Merge either way: 6.1 If automerge is possible and no local commits were needed, Open github pull request, and click Merge pull request button, 6.2 Manual merging:

     # merge to local master
     git checkout master
     git pull --rebase avoinministerio master
     # resolve possible conflicts
     git merge <feature-branch>          # please notice this branch is now local, ie. not kalleay/feature-branch anymore
     # resolve possible conflicts again
     # finally
     git push   # if cannot due non-fastforward, first git pull
     git push avoinministerio master
  7. Deploy as needed, probably to staging for wider audience testing


To create your personal instance on Heroku:

  1. Set up Heroku account

  2. Create and configure your own instance

     heroku create --stack cedar
     heroku config:add BUNDLE_WITHOUT="development:test:mac_test:linux_test" -r heroku
  3. Initial deployment

     git push heroku master
  4. Initialize database with test data

     heroku run rake db:setup

You can deploy whatever branch/commit by

git push heroku +<local_ref>:master
# e.g. the currently checked out branch
git push heroku +HEAD:master

The site can be protected with Basic Authentication by adding variables AM_AUTH_USERNAME and AM_AUTH_PASSWORD to Heroku.


JS Libraries


  • Ruby 1.9.X


Run the tests using the following command(s):

rspec spec or bundle exec rspec spec or bundle exec guard

Code Repository

Git repository

Everything is currently in the master branch. When building bigger features, use feature branches. When the feature is ready, delete the feature branch.


We will be expanding the developer community as it goes. At the moment the core devs are using a special product (thanks to Flowdock!), and hang out also at #Avoinministerio in Freenode IRC. Besides competely Finnish #Avoinministerio there's also friendly English channel #TheOpenMinistry. Feel free to pop in with any questions or suggestions!