
This lagrangian code follows the adiabatic expansion of a hot spherical bubble in a uniform ambient medium. The present setup is adjusted to spherical geometry.

This code is based on the Fortran version included in: Numerical methods in astrophysics: an Introduction - Peter Bodenheimer

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and usage purposes.


First, clone the repository:

  • Create a directory my_repo on your local machine
  • run: git clone https://github.com/eliotayache/1D-Lagrangian-hydrocode my-repo

The main directory contains four sub-folders:

  • C : Contains the lagrangian hydro source code in C
  • C_Bondi : Same code with Bondi accretion feature
  • Fortran : Contains the lagrangian hydro source code in Fortran
  • Python : Contains plotting procedures

You can compile the code in the C and C_Bondi directories by typing:

cd C_Bondi 		# moving to C_bondi directory
gcc -o lh1 lh1.c

You now have an up and running version of the code!

Using the code

Dynamical evolution is computed either in C or C_Bondi. Plotting is done by using the plot.py python script located in the directory Python.

Compute dynamical evolution

Input values are set up in lh1.dat. After updating these values, just run the code by typing:


Output is saved in lh1.out and lh2.out.

Plotting results

Explain what these tests test and why

Give an example


  • Eliot Ayache - Initial work - github


This code is based on the Fortran version included in: Numerical methods in astrophysics: an Introduction - Peter Bodenheimer