
An open source project to create a great list of feeds for engineers in Industrial Automation to follow.

MIT LicenseMIT

Feeds for Open Architects

An open source project to create a great list of feeds for engineers in Industrial Automation to follow.


Taking a cue from Dave Winer with his feedsForJournalists project, I started this project to build a list of blogs that create content that fellow Industrial Automation engineers will find valuable. Much of this README and the format of this repository is a direct copy of Dave's project.

Open Architects?

Open Architects is a general term that a few of us have been using to refer to a growing community of engineers involved in Industrial Automation. Some of us have been working with PLCs and HMIs for years, and some of us are involved in Industrial IoT startups. We've got a broad spectrum of backgrounds but are generally involved in building real-world industrial automation with various technologies. If anyone has a more succint definition, happy to update this!

Where's the list?

The list is available in the standard OPML format for subscription lists. You can use this file to subsribe to all the feeds in any feed reader. It will be updated periodically, so check back. (It's even better if your reader allows you to subscribe to OPML files. Then you'll get the updates automatically.)

The list is also available as a plain text file.

How To

I've started the list with a small number of feeds I follow, to help seed the process.

The easiest way to suggest a feed is to post a comment. It's pretty straightforward, I hope. Include links to the feed, or a link to a list of feeds. Let's see how this works. ;-)

If you know how to do a pull request, simply make the changes you want to see, and submit the request. But that can be overkill for a simple project like this one.

Criteria for feeds

I suggest we use the same criteria for including feeds that most of us use for pushing links to our followers on social media or through linkblogs.

A feed is included not because we agree or disagree, all its inclusion means is we believe that an informed person would want to be aware of the perspective or information it provides.

So while we may not be from Freedonia, we will recommend Freedonian news sources. We don't agree or disagree.

MIT License

I've set up this work with the most liberal open source license. This project can be forked, competed with, repurposed, with or without credit. Do with it as you please.


Thanks to Dave Winer in starting feedsForJournalists and for his life-long long push of open technologies.