Virtual Thermostat Device with Device Type Hander to create a proper thermostat device (Works With Google Home and Alexa)
- 812jameshAnother Man's Treasure
- Alko515
- arnljotInterlope Consulting AS
- BeauMAndersonRegent University
- bortk
- codinghb
- cvccoleOrlando, FL
- danieljafari
- degul2000
- eduardobobsin@BobsinConsulting
- Essavant
- gerxiu
- GRClarkGNet Development
- Joepine3
- jsnswrt
- justinlawrenceIRJ.io
- Luckymadman
- Mayhem911
- millakillasrWorx
- mudaiheemNextCloudTechSA
- oeyhaga
- pkarnofsky
- ravivarmapmHyderabad, India
- sindependentSaint Paul, Minnesota
- slonobDenizen Security Incorporated
- Spire42
- the5evansfamily
- tronix81
- troshy
- wipika
- WolfDon757
- x43x61x69
- xHirscHx