
A concourse resource for github deployments

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

GitHub Deployment Resource

Fetches and creates GitHub Deployments and Deployment Statuses. For more about Github Deployments see the API documentation.

Source Configuration

  • user: Required. The GitHub username or organization name for the repository that you are deploying.

  • repository: Required. The repository name that you are deploying.

  • access_token: Required. Used for accessing deployment data and creating deployments and deployment statuses.

  • github_api_url: Optional. If you use a non-public GitHub deployment then you can set your API URL here.

  • environments: Optional. A list of environments to get versions for.


  - name: github-deployment
    type: docker-image
      repository: andyhume/github-deployment-resource
      tag: "v0.8.0"
  - name: deployment
    type: github-deployment
      user: BrandwatchLtd
      repository: analytics
      access_token: abcdef1234567890
- get: deployment
- put: deployment
      file: deployment/id # path to a file containing the deployment ID
    state: success


check: Check for Deployments

/check always returns the single latest deployment. It assumes that any preceding deployments are invalidated by the existence of a later deployment.

in: Fetch Deployment

Fetches the latest deployment and creates the following files:

  • id containing the id of the deployment being fetched.
  • ref containting the name of the ref the deployment is relating to. A branch, tag, or SHA.
  • sha containg the SHA that was recorded at deployment creation time.
  • task containing the name of the task for the deployment.
  • environment containing the name of the environment that is being deployed to.
  • description containing the description of the deployment
  • deploymentJSON containing the full JSON of the deployment as received from the API.

out: Create a Deployment or DeploymentStatus

Create a new Deployment, or update a given Deployment with a new DeploymentStatus


  • type: Optional. Either deployment or status. Defaults to status.
If type=status
  • id: Required. The ID of the deployment to update with the new status. NB: You'll most likely want to reference a file with this ID stored in (see below).

  • state: Required. The state of the new deployment status. Must be one of pending, success, error, inactive, or failure.

If type=deployment
  • ref: Optional. The ref of the deployment. A branch name, a tag, or SHA.

  • environment: Optional. The name of the environment that is being deployed to.

  • description: Optional. The description of the deployment.

  • payload: Optional. Additional data about the deployment.

  • payload_path: Optional. Path to a file containing additional JSON data to add to the payload.

NB: If there are duplicate keys in data from payload and payload_path, then the data from payload_path takes precedence.

  • task: Optional. The name of the task for the deployment.
Reading values from files

All of the above parameters can be used to pass the name of a file to read the applicable value from. For example...

- put: deployment
      file: path/to/the/id/file
    state: success
      file: path/to/the/description

The above configuration, would read in the id and description values from files, but use the state value which has been passed in directly as a string.