markdown to CV generator
this is a work in progress but already provides some reasonable results
you can run this with the following command:
or install with:
npm i
# then you can run:
switch | type | default | description |
-p, --path | string | ./ | path to the root of your CV markdown files |
-o, --output | string | ./ | output director for CV PDF |
-t, --theme | string | material | theme to use for building cv, either the name of a built in theme, or path to an external theme, currently you may use material or simple |
--primaryColor | string | the primary color to used for rendering the CV template, it is theme dependent how this is applied (if not set will default to theme colors) | |
--secondaryColor | string | the secondary color to used for rendering the CV template, it is theme dependent how this is applied (if not set will default to theme colors) | |
-s, --scale | number | 0.7 | scale factor for rendering the document |
--hide-profile-image | do not display profile image | ||
--hide-generator | hide the "generated by MDCV" text | ||
-d, --debug | boot the server only, and leave running to connect to from a web browser, does not generate a PDF | ||
-h, --help | shows this help screen |
to make a CV you simply need a directory including the following files and then run the mdcv command against it
- - your name and maybe a sub header
- - other info for instance hobbies etc.
- - your contact details
- - information about your references
- employment - this should be a directory, each markdown file in here will be added as a previous employment in filename order (try adding images to your employment header for a more interesting output)
- - some info to put before your experience
- footer - some footer text for the end of the CV (or every page depending on the theme)