
Collection of utilities and Starlark modules to aid in the development and maintenance of Swift repositories using Bazel.

Primary LanguageStarlarkApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gazelle Plugin for Swift and Swit Package Rules for Bazel


This repository contains a Gazelle plugin and Bazel repository rules that can be used to download, build, and consume Swift packages. The rules in this repository build the external Swift packages using rules_swift and native C/C++ rulesets making the Swift package products and targets available as Bazel targets.

This repository is designed to fully replace rules_spm and provide utilities to ease Swift development inside a Bazel workspace.

Table of Contents



Mac OS

Be sure to install Xcode.


You will need to install Swift. Make sure that running swift --version works properly.

Don't forget that rules_swift expects the use of clang. Hence, you will need to specify CC=clang before running Bazel.

Finally, help rules_swift and swift_bazel find the Swift toolchain by ensuring that a PATH that includes the Swift binary is available in the Bazel actions.

cat >>local.bazelrc <<EOF
build --action_env=PATH

This approach is necessary to successfully execute the examples on an Ubuntu runner using Github actions. See the CI GitHub workflow for more details.


The following provides a quick introduction on how to set up and use the features in this repository. Also, check out the examples for more information.

1. Configure your workspace to use swift_bazel.

Update the WORKSPACE file to load the dependencies for swift_bazel, rules_swift and Gazelle.

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "cgrindel_swift_bazel",
    sha256 = "2bcbe2947649f6433bf97258401c387eb41153c8adc378f84295628d879092d2",
    urls = [

load("@cgrindel_swift_bazel//:deps.bzl", "swift_bazel_dependencies")


load("@cgrindel_bazel_starlib//:deps.bzl", "bazel_starlib_dependencies")


# MARK: - Gazelle

# gazelle:repo bazel_gazelle

    name = "bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin",
    sha256 = "04182233284fcb6545d36b94248fe28186b4d9d574c4131d6a511d5aeb278c46",
    urls = [

load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")
load("@bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_gazelle_plugin_workspace")
load("@cgrindel_swift_bazel//:go_deps.bzl", "swift_bazel_go_dependencies")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")

# Declare Go dependencies before calling go_rules_dependencies.



go_register_toolchains(version = "1.19.1")


# MARK: - Swift Toolchain

    name = "build_bazel_rules_swift",
    # Populate with your preferred release 
    # https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_swift/releases

load("//:swift_deps.bzl", "swift_dependencies")

# gazelle:repository_macro swift_deps.bzl%swift_dependencies




The above WORKSPACE boilerplate loads a file called swift_deps.bzl. The Gazelle plugin will populate it, shortly. For now, create the file with the follwing contents:

# Contents of swift_deps.bzl
def swift_dependencies():

2. Create a minimal Package.swift file.

Create a minimal Package.swift file that only contains the external dependencies that are directly used by the Bazel workspace.

// swift-tools-version: 5.7

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "my-project",
    dependencies: [
        // Replace these entries with your dependencies.
        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser", from: "1.2.0"),
        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-log", from: "1.4.4"),

The name of the package can be whatever you like. It is required for the manifest, but it is not used by swift_bazel. If your proejct is published and consumed as a Swift package, feel free to populate the rest of the manifest so that your package works properly by Swift package manager. Just note that the Swift Gazelle plugin does not use the manifest to generate Bazel build files, at this time.

3. Add Gazelle targets to BUILD.bazel at the root of your workspace.

Add the following to the BUILD.bazel file at the root of your workspace.

load("@bazel_gazelle//:def.bzl", "gazelle", "gazelle_binary")
load("@cgrindel_swift_bazel//swiftpkg:defs.bzl", "swift_update_packages")

# Ignore the `.build` folder that is created by running Swift package manager 
# commands. The Swift Gazelle plugin executes some Swift package manager 
# commands to resolve external dependencies. This results in a `.build` file 
# being created.
# NOTE: Swift package manager is not used to build any of the external packages. 
# The `.build` directory should be ignored. Be sure to configure your source 
# control to ignore it (i.e., add it to your `.gitignore`).
# gazelle:exclude .build

# This declaration builds a Gazelle binary that incorporates all of the Gazelle 
# plugins for the languages that you use in your workspace. In this example, we 
# are using the Gazelle plugin for Starlark from bazel_skylib and the Gazelle 
# plugin for Swift from cgrindel_swift_bazel.
    name = "gazelle_bin",
    languages = [

# This macro defines two targets: `swift_update_pkgs` and 
# `swift_update_pkgs_to_latest`. 
# The `swift_update_pkgs` target should be run whenever the list of external 
# dependencies is updated in the `Package.swift`. Running this target will 
# populate the `swift_deps.bzl` with `swift_package` declarations for all of 
# the direct and transitive Swift packages that your project uses.
# The `swift_update_pkgs_to_latest` target should be run when you want to 
# update your Swift dependencies to their latest eligible version.
    name = "swift_update_pkgs",
    gazelle = ":gazelle_bin",

# This target updates the Bazel build files for your project. Run this target 
# whenever you add or remove source files from your project.
    name = "update_build_files",
    gazelle = ":gazelle_bin",

4. Resolve the external dependencies for your project.

Resolve the external dependencies for your project by running the following:

$ bazel run //:swift_update_pkgs

5. Create or update Bazel build files for your project.

Generate/update the Bazel build files for your project by running the following:

$ bazel run //:update_build_files

6. Build and test your project.

Build and test your project.

$ bazel test //...

7. Check in some generated files.

Check in the Package.resolved, swift_deps.bzl, and the module_index.json files that were generated for you.

  • The Package.resolved file specifies that exact versions of the dependencies that were identified. If you do not keep the Package.resolved file, the dependencies written to the swift_deps.bzl could change when you execute //:swift_update_pkgs.
  • The swift_deps.bzl contains the Bazel repository rule declarations that load your external dependencies for the Bazel build.
  • The module_index.json maps module names to targets that provide a module with that name. This file is used by swift_package and the Gazelle plugin to resolve dependencies.

You are ready to start coding.

Tips and Tricks

The following are a few tips to consider as you work with your repository:

  • When you add or remove source files, run bazel run //:update_build_files. This will create/update the Bazel build files in your project. It is designed to be fast and unobtrusive.
  • When you add or remove an external dependency, run bazel run //:swift_update_pkgs. This will resolve the changes to your transitive dependencies and regenerate your Package.resolved and module_index.json.
  • If things do not appear to be working properly, run the following in this order:
    • bazel run //:swift_update_pkgs
    • bazel run //:update_build_files
  • Do yourself a favor and create a Bazel target (e.g., //:tidy) that runs your repository maintenance targets (e.g., //:swift_update_pkgs, //:update_build_files, formatting utilities) in the proper order. If you are looking for an easy way to set this up, check out the //:tidy declaration in this repository and the documentation for the tidy macro.

Future Work

  • Update the Gazelle plugin to generate Bazel build files from a project's Swift package manifest (e.g. Package.swift). NOTE: The swift_package repository rule does generate Bazel build files from a package's project manifest.
  • Update the Gazelle plugin to support common Swift project layouts. The Gazelle plugin knows how to interpret projects with Sources and Tests directories. We are looking for feedback about other common patterns to make the Gazelle plugin more robust.