
Code for running the experiments in Deep Subjecthood: Higher Order Grammatical Features in Multilingual BERT

Primary LanguagePython

Deep Subjecthood: Higher Order Grammatical Features in Multilingual BERT

Check out the Report.pdf!!

This is and extension of the code used to run the experiments in Deep Subjecthood: Higher Order Grammatical Features in Multilingual BERT.

This has been altered to use English BERT and tag verbs by their type.


run_one_experiment.py runs one experiment: training a classifier to classify subjects from objects in mBERT embeddings in one training language, and testing this classifier on one test language. Classifiers and mBERT embeddings are cached, to reuse for other experiments with the same train/test language.

make_script_to_run_all_experiments.py makes a script to run run_one_experiment.py for every pair of languages in source_langs.txt and sink_langs.txt

To reproduce the results:

  1. Change the paths in source_langs.txt and sink_langs.txt, so that they match the location of the Universal Dependency Treebanks on your machine
  2. Run make_script_to_run_all_experiments.py to create the scripts that will run the experiments. This will create a script run_batch_0.sh (or more if you're running for multiple seeds
  3. Run run_batch_0.sh