
A Collection of useful utility classes and extensions

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


A Collection of useful utility classes and extensions



TPPromise class uses the promise pattern of appending success & failure handlers to a previous promise and let the chain of handlers execute once a result success/failure is triggered on the root promise.


TPLogger allows adding logging messages with different logging levels and enable/disable levels through one point. In addition, different log reporters can be attached to the logger object, which allows different processing of the log to occur.


    [TPLogger log:level message:@"message %@", argument]; // using defaultLogger
    [loggerObject error:@"error %@", argument]; // using alloc/init object
    [[TPLogger defaultLogger] attachReporter:uploadLogToServerReporter]

Lazy Array/Dictionary


creates a lazy array return a range of integers

    [QRange integerRangeFrom:10 to:20].lazy


creates a lazy array from a NSArray

    [NSArrayGenerator initWithArray:array]


NSArray & NSDictionary lazy extension

invoking #lazy method on NSArray or NSDictionary return a lazy NSArrayGenerator or NSDictionaryGenerator, respectively

NSArray & NSDictionary are further extended with various method like map, filter, keep, each and reduce. These extensions lazify the array/dictionary run the respective method and return a concrete object of array/dictionary with the result.

NSDictionary safe field extracting

various method to extract fields and return a typed object if field exists and can be converted to the requested type, otherwise returns a default value or null.

available method: numberField, arrayField, stringField, dictionaryField, integerField, realField and field

NSString extension

Return a string with lowercase hex representation of the bytes

    +(NSString *)stringWithHexOfBytes:count:  

Return the range of the string
