quit loafing around   pages from my baking notebook

where is it


🚧 the blog is now being migrated to github-pages, and will soon be available at:


a little taste

the baked loaf & the moka maker

thanx / attribution

  • my mom, Simona, for baking me into baking
  • Joe Caiani, for (unintentionally) naming this blog with his witty comment
  • seyche, for authoring the base tumblr theme; zinnia


the static website is generated by jekyll.


  • ruby >= 3.x
    use a version manager (like rbenv), to avoid conflicts with existing installations.
  • ruby gems: jekyll, bundler


  • install dependencies:

    bundle install
  • build and spin up a development server:

    bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  • cleanup build output as necessary:

    bundle exec jekyll clean