The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon

License: Public domain document; formatting developed for use in by Eliran Wong.


JSON format

This is the file Eliran Wong formatted for use in his iOS app "BibleBento Plus" (

Source: provided by Tim Morton, the developer of Bible Analyzer

Some of bible verse references are corrected by Eliran Wong

CSV format

  • File:
  • Old .json file was reviewed, by comparing with supplementary data provided by John Isett [], and revised to produce this .csv file.
  • This file maintains origianl sections of Hebrew and Aramaic entries.
  • This file maintains original orders of all entries.
  • This file contains Strong's number mapping, where applicable (2nd column)
  • This file was formatted by Eliran Wong for use in
    A link for testing:
  • css used for this BDB at @font-face { font-family: 'Ezra SIL'; src: url('/sileot.ttf'); } bdbheb, bdbarc, heb{ font-family:'Ezra SIL'; font-size: 130%; } bdbheb, bdbarc { display: inline-block; direction: rtl; } div.section, div.point { display: block; border: 1px solid green; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } div.remarks { display: block; border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: 5px; padding: 2px 5px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; } highlight { font-style: italic; } transliteration { color: gray; }
  • This file contains original scripture references parsed by Stephen Ku and his associates, with more than a hundred references corrected by Eliran Wong.
  • Known issues: pending corrections of cross-references, where <checkingNeeded/> or <wrongReferenceRemoved/> are located.
  • All scripture references use book abbreviations, according to the standard of Society of Biblical Literature:
    1 Gen
    2 Exod
    3 Lev
    4 Num
    5 Deut
    6 Josh
    7 Judg
    8 Ruth
    9 1Sam
    10 2Sam
    11 1Kgs
    12 2Kgs
    13 1Chr
    14 2Chr
    15 Ezra
    16 Neh
    17 Esth
    18 Job
    19 Ps
    20 Prov
    21 Eccl
    22 Song
    23 Isa
    24 Jer
    25 Lam
    26 Ezek
    27 Dan
    28 Hos
    29 Joel
    30 Amos
    31 Obad
    32 Jonah
    33 Mic
    34 Nah
    35 Hab
    36 Zeph
    37 Hag
    38 Zech
    39 Mal
    40 Matt
    41 Mark
    42 Luke
    43 John
    44 Acts
    45 Rom
    46 1Cor
    47 2Cor
    48 Gal
    49 Eph
    50 Phil
    51 Col
    52 1Thess
    53 2Thess
    54 1Tim
    55 2Tim
    56 Titus
    57 Phlm
    58 Heb
    59 Jas
    60 1Pet
    61 2Pet
    62 1John
    63 2John
    64 3John
    65 Jude
    66 Rev