Doctors graduate of Nagaoka University of Technology. I work with machine learning, natural language processing, and information theory.
Pinned Repositories
Personal collection of documentation and reference guides for AI development with python, from PC setup guides, recommended software to install, to anything I've learned about AI training, quantization, etc.
Public version (private info censored) of my python project for my paper "Differences in Chinese and Western tourists faced with Japanese hospitality: A natural language processing approach".
Entropy-based binary SVM classifier library
Using a kaomoji database to parse kaomoji, exchange them for numbered tags, and exchange them back after the text is processed
My personal bash scripts to make LaTeX academic writing easier
How I set up a fresh mac to start working in machine learning and programming
K-folds with returns for F1, Accuracy, Precision, Recall and counts for each prediction
Example usage of the python wrappers for MeCab Japanese parser in MacOSX.
Chinese implementation of the Python official interface for Stanford CoreNLP Java server application to parse, tokenize, part-of-speech tag, etc. Chinese texts.
Public version (private info censored) of my python project for my paper "Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models". The original data for this project was provided by the Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Because of their ownership of the data, it has not been uploaded to this repository. Note: Since this is a very old project (2019) since before I was accostumed to using git version control and GitHub repositories, the code is presented AS IS, as I found it in my old folders. I also worked across different computers, so there might be some disconnect in the process and logs.
elisa-aleman's Repositories
My personal bash scripts to make LaTeX academic writing easier
How I set up a fresh mac to start working in machine learning and programming
Personal collection of documentation and reference guides for AI development with python, from PC setup guides, recommended software to install, to anything I've learned about AI training, quantization, etc.
API to support AIST++ Dataset: https://google.github.io/aistplusplus_dataset (PEP 517)
Just an implementation of Alexnet on pytorch, since it was hard to find online
Public version (private info censored) of my python project for my paper "Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models". The original data for this project was provided by the Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. Because of their ownership of the data, it has not been uploaded to this repository. Note: Since this is a very old project (2019) since before I was accostumed to using git version control and GitHub repositories, the code is presented AS IS, as I found it in my old folders. I also worked across different computers, so there might be some disconnect in the process and logs.
Updated mattloper/chumpy for PEP-517 and newer python versions
Part of the code used on the project: "Development of an Entropy-Based Feature Selection Method and Analysis of Online Reviews on Real Estate, IEEE IEEEM2017". Not up to date with the paper.
Causal relationship between eWOM topics and profit of rural tourism at Japanese Roadside Stations “MICHINOEKI”. // This was the private repository where I worked on the versions of my paper. However, it has been since published In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES'18). pp. 212 - 218. Tokyo, Japan. September 25-28, 2018. (arxiv:1904.12039) DOI: 10.1145/3281375.3281395
Emotional Contribution Analysis of Online Reviews. // This was the private repository where I worked on the versions of my paper. However, it has been since published In proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB2018). pp. 259 - 362. Beppu, Japan (2018, February 1-4) (arxiv:1905.00185) DOI: 10.5954/ICAROB.2018.OS5-3
Analysis of Chinese Tourists in Japan by Text Mining of a Hotel Portal Site. // This was the private repository where I worked on the versions of my paper. However, it has been since published In proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (ISIS2017), pp. 191 - 198. Daegu, South Korea (2017, October 12) (arxiv:1904.13214)
Measuring the influence of mere exposure effect of TV commercial adverts on purchase behavior based on machine learning prediction models
Differences in Chinese and Western tourists faced with Japanese hospitality: A natural language processing approach. // This was the private repository where I work on the versions of my paper. However, it has been since published at Information Technology & Tourism (2021) 23:381–438 DOI: 10.1007/s40558-021-00203-8
Analysis of Chinese Tourists in Japan by Text Mining of a Hotel Portal Site. // This was the private repository where I work on the versions of my paper. However, it has been since published at The Japanese Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers (JJIIAE), 2018, Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 95-99 DOI: 10.12792/jjiiae.6.2.95
My masters thesis
Template to use nice listings in a programming report with japanese support (XeLaTeX)
Tutorial for when I set up a linux machine, or alternatively, a WSL (windows subsystem for linux)
[CVPR 2022] MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation (quantized)
OpenMMLab Model Deployment Framework (mmrazor update)
OpenMMLab Detection Toolbox and Benchmark (mmrazor + rtmdet / cspnext)
OpenMMLab Pose Estimation Toolbox and Benchmark. (mmrazor+rtmpose)
OpenMMLab Model Compression Toolbox and Benchmark. (torch v2.0.0 update)
failed project to detect defective products
Just some shell scripts I run to keep things smooth, but nothing out of the ordinary or pertaining to any one project
Inverts the active color scheme.
An easy to use PyTorch to TensorRT converter (pep517)
Useful methods I like to import to save time. I stopped using a lot of them when I started using pandas, but the ProjectPaths.py I use frequently
A guide like my previous one for Mac and Linux, but for Windows instead.