
Table of Contents

  1. General Info
  2. Technologies
  3. Installation
  4. Usage

General Info

This is a tool to simply organize your tasks and projects. You can add, edit, delete and check tasks which you can arrange in projects. It gives you the opportunity to create multiple users who can create their own projects. This tool is created by Elisa Kluge.


A list of technologies used within the project:


To execute this programm, these programms are required:

  • Python3
  • TkInter

Installation of Python3

To install Python3, download the programm here or use the following command line (for Linux-Users):
$ sudo apt-get install python3

Installation of TkInter

To install TkInter, check out here or use the following command line (for Linux-Users):
$ sudo apt-get install python3-tk


How to start the programm

If you have installed the required programms, you can use the following command lines to start this programm:

  • if you have the zip file TaskManager_119599.zip on your computer
    $ cd ../path/to/the/zip-file/location
    $ unzip TaskManager_119599.zip
    $ cd /TaskManager_119599
    $ python3 main.py
  • from github:
    $ git clone https://github.com/elisa97/Taskmanager
    $ cd ../path/to/the/file
    $ python3 main.py
  • if you want to start the CLI of the programm, please use the following command line:
    $ python3 cli.py

First steps

When you start the TaskManager for the first time, there won't be any Users, Projects or Tasks. So please don't wonder, if there's just a small window with a slim menu. Follow these few steps, to generate your first tasks:

  • create your first user:

    • select Users in the Menu
    • select User Overview in the submenu and a new window with the User Overview will open
    • press the button add a new User and another new window create a new User will open
    • insert a User name into the entry and press the button save
    • the window create a new User will close automatically and you'll see your new User in a listbox in the User Overview
  • create your first project

    • click onto your new User in the listbox and press the button select User afterwards
    • the User Overview window will close and you'll see a new pressable button create Project in the main window, which you should take
    • after clicking onto the button, a new window will appear where you can insert your Project name and Project notes and pick a color for the background of your Project Overview. Please take a look if the color is still selected before you're pressing the button save
    • after that, the window create a new Project will be closed and your new Project will appear in a listbox
  • create your first Task

    • select your new Project in the listbox and then click to the button show project
    • there will appear a Project Overview with the backgroundcolor you picked for your Project
    • you now choose add a new Task and similar to the User and Project before, a new window will pop up
    • there you can enter the Task name, Task notes and before saving, select a Task priority
    • after you saved the Task, it will show up below your Project Overview
  • save the programm before closing the programm, please be sure you've saved your new Users, Projects and Tasks:

    • select file in the menu of the main window
    • click save file, then all changes will be saved
    • you can close the main window afterwards and when you'll start the programm the next time, your changes will be there

How to go on using the programm

After finishing the first steps, you may have seen that the GUI of the TaskManager is simple and hopefully understandable. E.g. if you haven't created any Users, the buttons edit User, select User and delete User will be disabled. Same with Projects and Tasks. Now to the further usage and features of this programm:

  • Users Only 1 User can be selected at a time. Users can handle arbitrary Projects and a Project can include arbitrary Tasks. But they are connected to the User:
    Projects are User specific and can't be shared with other Users!

    • create Users as described in the First Steps
    • edit Users a window will appear, where you can change the User name and save it
    • delete Users once deleted, a User can't be restored. Attention: If you delete a User, you also delete all Projects and Tasks of this User!
    • select User is like a sign in with this User, it will show an overview of the Projects of the User
  • Projects Only 1 Project Overview of a Project can be shown at a time. Projects can organize arbitrary Tasks. But they are connected to the Project: Tasks are Project specific and can't be shared with other Projects or other Users!

    • create Project like described in the First Steps
    • edit Project a window will pop up, where you can modify your Project name, notes and backgroundcolor and save it
    • delete Project once deleted, a Project can't be restored. Attention: If you delete a Project, you also delete all Tasks of this Project!
    • show Project will show an overview of your listbox-selected Project and the Tasks of this Project
  • Project Overview Here you see name, notes and Tasks of a Project and have further options:

    • add a new Task like described in the First Steps
    • hide Tasks will just hide all Tasks, but won't delete them can be checked and un-checked
    • show done Tasks will just show Tasks, you already marked as done can be checked and un-checked
    • delete all Tasks will delete all Tasks, also the Tasks you checked as done
  • Tasks Tasks will appear in a list below the Project Overview Every Task:

    • has a checkbutton on the left, which marks the Task as done, or unprocessed if un-checked again
    • the name of the task
    • a checkbutton to show the notes of the Task Please just check this button on 1 Task at the same time!
    • a button edit, which makes appear a new window, where the Task name, notes and priority can be edited and saved
    • a button delete, which unrecoverably deletes the Task
    • a color, if the priority isn't none:
      • red, if the priority is high
      • yellow, if the priority is medium
      • green, if the priority is low