
Project 6.5 for 507 Fall 2017 - Flask

Primary LanguagePython

507 Fall 2017 - Project 6.5

Part 1 (200 points)

Add a route /word/<new_word>

Using the Datamuse API: https://www.datamuse.com/api/

  • Whatever new_word is in the URL, this route should simply show a plain old string that is a word that rhymes with whatever the value of new_word is. So, for example, if you went to the URL http://localhost:5000/word/cat a possibility is that you’d see on your screen bat

Part 2 (200 points)

There exists a route already /flickrphotos/<tag>/<num>

There is already code in it to make a request to flickr for info about photos tagged with the tag in the url, but only the number that is in the url.

  • To get it to work (even though it won’t quite do what you eventually want yet), all you have to do is fill in a valid Flickr API key (URL to get one if you don’t already have one: https://www.flickr.com/services/api/misc.api_keys.html — You’ll need a Yahoo or Hotmail account, but it doesn’t have to be one you really use.)

  • Your goal is to edit the route code a little bit so that the template provided, photo_info.html shows data when you go to e.g. http://locahost:5000/mountains/2 or http://localhost:5000/sunset/1, or whatever.

    • At the top, the number of photos that were retrieved (1 photo was retrieved or # photos were retrieved, with the # replaced by whatever number it was)

    • And then, a bulletpoint “unordered list” (<ul>) of each of those photos’ titles.

    • Like this

You’ll need to add a small amount of code at the end of the view function, and you’ll need to edit the invocation of render_template to send the right data to the view.

So, you’ll need to check out photo_info.html to figure out what the Jinja templating code in that file is expecting, and send the right values, with the right names, to it!

To submit

  • Fork and clone this repository we’ve provided
  • Make changes to complete parts 1 and 2, and add and commit them all
  • (Check if it works)
  • Push them to your fork of the repository
  • Submit a link to your fork at the Project 6.5 assignment on Canvas