Simple GraphQL API for our conferences:
To see the query API:
NODE_ENV="development" npm start
The images are pushed to Cloudinary and it's used as our image CDN. Remember to set .env
for local development if you want to use images:
CLOUDINARY_API_KEY=<get from Cloudinary account>
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET=<get from Cloudinary account>
Also remember to set the same on the host of the API.
You can access images through
. Example:http://localhost:3000/graphql-2018/images/ken.jpg
The API has been connected to the site using a webhook so that it builds whenever the API changes:
heroku config:set REBUILD_SITES=<Netlify urls separate by comma go here> -a react-finland-api
Remember to run the server in production mode. That will enable site rebuilding hook!