
My portfolio website

Primary LanguageHandlebars


My portfolio website

This will be my portfolio/resume website.

My plan is to have separate sections (like a resume does) that I can add items to via express/node.

For the Full-Stack JavaScript 2 CODE Louisville class project, I plan to use the following things to meet requirements:

  1. "Contact Me" form with multiple fields (2 name, 1 email, and 1 message) and submit button. Connected to MongoDB on local host 27017 with endpoint /contactMe. Tests that all fields are submitted correctly and returns a success or fail message either way.
  2. "Education" section pulls info from a SQLite database. Test
  3. "Projects" section pulls info from a SQLite database. Test
  4. "Experience" section pulls info from a SQLite database. Test

To easily access this site, you can visit the GitHub Deployment site at: https://kpilbean.github.io/KatePilbeanPortfolio/.

If you prefer to run it locally, the site will run on localhost port 3000.