
An application to find photos using NASA's Mars Rover API

Primary LanguageCSS

Mars Rover API Search Application

This simple, single page web application queries the Mars Rover API from NASA to return photos from Mars.

The user can select the rover (Curiosity, Opportunity or Spirit) and date used in the query. The photo id, Martian sol & thumbnail are displayed in a table. When the thumbnail is clicked, the image opens in a new tab.

Additional Features

Restrict Calendar Date Ranges

On page load, the page makes an immediate request to the Mars Rover API for each rover's manifest information. The active dates of the rover are then used to restrict the calendar options.

For example, if Spirit is the rover selected, the latest date possible to query for is March 21, 2010 because that is Spirit's last active date.

Error handling

Error messages are shown to the user and logged to the console.

If the Mars Rover API request fails & returns an error message, it is displayed to the user. This occurs, for example, when the application api key is over the rate limit.

You can easily view an example of the application error message by clicking "Search" with a blank date. The application recognizes that no date was selected, skips making an API request (since it will fail), and displays an error message to the user.

Best Practices for Performance / Accessibility

  • Color contrast for text/background meets WCAG AA standards.
  • Images have alt tags (including images generated from API calls).
  • manifest.json file declares a theme and background color for brand consistency on mobile.
  • ES6 code is transpiled to ES5 for more browser compatibility.

CSS Animation

A custom CSS animation plays when the user clicks the Mars Rover icon in the header.

Installation Instructions

Download the code from this repository. Open index.html in a web browser.

If you make changes to the *.js or *.scss files and need to regenerate the files in the dist folder, follow the instructions below.

Sass CLI Command

Requires scss to be installed. To generate minified css when scss changes (and watch for changes), run the following command in the root of the project:

$ sass --watch scss/main.scss:css/main.min.css --style compressed

Babel CLI Command

Requires node, babel & babili to be installed. Use babel to transpile to ES5 and minify the javascript (and watch for changes):

$ npx babel js --out-file dist/main.min.js --watch --source-maps


Technologies Used