
This repository contains all the regulations for the2023 swarm drone challenge

Primary LanguageTeX

Swarm Drone Challenge Rulebook

This repository contains a Latex project that contains the rules for the Swarm Drone Challenge. If you are a participant of the swarm drone challenge feel free to open issues to discuss questions or fork this repository and create a pull request with your proposed rule changes. The document consists of a main file called sdc_regulations.tex that references the files pages/technical.tex and pages/competition_outline.tex. The file technical.tex contains all rules regarding the technical implementation of the drone and the competition_outline.tex file contains all the rules regarding the competition itself e.g. Flight Arena, Scoring.

Getting Started to contribute to this rulebook

To edit this document you can use any latex editor of your choice. If you are using VS Code and have Docker Desktop installed you can simply use the Dev Containers plugin. This repository comes with a dev container configuration that contains the latex installation with all the dependencies you need.

1. Fork this repository

Create your own fork from this repository.

2. Clone your forked Reposotry

 git clone git@github.com:<YOUR-GITHUB-NAME>/SwarmDroneChallenge.git

3. Open VS Code

cd SwarmDroneChallenge
code . 

4. Reopen in Container

Press at the blue button in the left bottom corner and select Reopen in Container from the menu.

5. Build pdf

Now you'll find a run button at the top that you can use to build the latex pdf as soon as you open a tex file.

6. Add, Commit and Push

git add
git commit -m "message that describe the changes that you made"
git push origin

7. Create Pull Request to BrigkAir Repository

Create a Pull Request to merge the changes in your forked repository with the brigkAir repository.


As soon as a version is ready for release it will be published under releases