
A link shortener app built using Rails and stimulus js. Users can shorten their links and see their most clicked links.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

HelpJuice test

The realtime search box, where users search articles, and then save search queries, have analytics that display what users were searching for. You have to click Analysis button to see what you search. The query will be saved after 5 seconds to give time for users who are a bit slow when typing.

Table of Contents

Built With


To get started, you should first get this file in your local machine by cloning or forking this project or typing in your terminal

 git clone https://github.com/elisha2kyakpo1/Url_shortener.git
 cd Url_shortener

Before you start using the app, you need to be sure that you have Ruby installed on your computer, by typing.

 ruby -v

You should see your version of ruby. If it's not installed in your system, follow this guide and it will help you to get it done.

Then you can install rails using this command,

 gem install rails

And you can also check your rails version by typing in your terminal

 rails -version

After that do bundle install to install all required gems and dependences

 bundle install

Install yarn by running the command below

 yarn install

Since we are using postgresql database, run this command in your tenimal to create the database

 rails db:create

Finally, run the migration to populate your database to have the tables

 rails db:migrate

You then interract with the program from rails server on the web by

 rails s

Open your favourite blowser and type the command below



Run the command below to test the app



Elisha Kyakopo

Linkedin: Elisha Kyakopo

Github: @elisha2kyakpo1

Twitter: @elisha1k