
Buggy resolution change in Fullscreen mode

Nikatomix opened this issue · 1 comments

Video: https://youtu.be/M1JyzyOsum8

Switching to certain resolutions in Full Screen mode causes fade-out to black transitions to break, and the pause menu to show black screen in the background. There might be more issues but these are the obvious ones that I've noticed.

Only affects some resolutions but not the others.

Only happens in Full Screen mode, couldn't replicate in FS Windowed mode.

Only happens with Render Resolution set to 1x, couldn't replicate with Render Resolution set to any other value.

The resolutions themselves aren't bugged as restarting the game fixes the issue, and sometimes switching to "buggy" resolutions doesn't result in those issues at all.

Looking at the log it appears that
m_IDirect3DDevice8::FakeGetFrontBuffer Setting GetFrontBuffer mode
switches (pretty consistently but not always in my other testing attempts) to GDI instead of DirectX when changing to certain resolutions.
Not a programmer but I'm guessing that might be the culprit?

Thanks for the thorough testing and notes on this. We'll have to see what our lead programmer @elishacloud has to say about this one.