A project designed to enhance Silent Hill 2 (SH2) graphics and audio for the PC. It also includes scripts to build or modify SH2 audio files (SFX, BGM and Dialog).
- 0x4E69676874466F78
- 0xBADEAFFEGermany
- aaronjwood@vmware
- AeroWidescreenUnited States
- brainbeetles
- CrusoeDaWolf
- DarioMeloChile
- demonkingzaine
- eblancaTorino
- execb5Porto Alegre - Brazil
- Ghostlyr
- iriyap
- Jeboose
- JIuBeP
- ListeningGarden
- Loaal
- lucasmarcosDois Vizinhos, PR
- Margen67
- mbalcUniversity of Warsaw
- mirh
- MojaveWastelanderChisinau
- nikolostov
- nipkownixBrazil
- ouabingBeijing, China
- perdolka
- ponyspyMoscow
- ragymorkos@bloomberg
- RedPyramidThingy
- seagull
- sezeroIstanbul, Turkey
- Sunderland93Astrakhan
- Tox86
- twist84London, England, United Kingdom
- valpackettArgentina ⭐⭐⭐
- Weej1
- yuliskov