
Can I have an offline installer?

ghf50 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, Dear devs.

Can I have an offline installer that contain all EE files?
My ISP blocked the server and I can't download EE files through installer.

If you open this file with a text editor, such as NotePad, you can find links to all the project packages: https://files.townofsilenthill.com/SH2EE/_sh2ee.csv

Thank you @Polymega
This helped.

We're still trying to resolve this issue. Can you please try this test file for me? Here's what you do:

  1. Go to your SILENT HILL 2 game folder and make a backup of your SH2EEsetup.exe file in there.
  2. Once backed up to another location, download this new version of SH2EEsetup.exe here: SH2EEsetup_Download_Fix_Test.zip
  3. Unzip this package and place the new SH2EEsetup.exe within your SILENT HILL 2 game folder (where the previous SH2EEsetup.exe existed).
  4. Run the new SH2EEsetup.exe and let us know if you can now successfully download the package files or not.

Because this is a new test file, you might get a false positive warning about it from your antivirus vendor. The file is safe but, if you're still unsure, you can submit the file for review to Windows Defender, BitDefender, or your other favorite vendor of choice.


@Polymega Hello
I've tested the new SH2EEsetup.exe from SH2EEsetup_Download_Fix_Test.zip, still couldn't download "webcsv.url"