Docker GitList Apache

This docker image is based off of the original php:7-apache and it installs GitList. As suggested on GitList docs, a release version is installed, not from any git branch, because it comes packaged with all the files needed.

The current version of GitLite is 0.6.0

How to use this image

You need to mount your repos directory to /repos on the image. On top of that you need to map a port to port 80.

docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/repos:/repos -p 8080:80 elisiano/gitlist-apache

Then point your browser at http://localhost:8080 If you want to use your own config.ini joust mount that on /var/www/html/config.ini

If the repos are not readable from the apache user (www-data) inside the container, you can use the following two variables to fix that:

  • APACHE_UID: numeric UID of the user owning repos (on the hosting filesystem)
  • APACHE_GID: numeric GID of the group owning the repos (on the hosting filesystem)
docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/repos:/repos -p 8080:80 -e APACHE_UID:$(id -u repouser) -e APACHE_GID:$(id -g repouser) elisiano/gitlist-apache


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