
Visualize the dependencies between modules in your Elixir applications

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT



mix run create_app_graph.exs "/Users/elitau/Documents/workspace/freigabe/lib/**/*.{ex, exs}"

Integration with vs code

Limit graph to nodes connected to current file, Maybe with a watcher task.


  • Trigger re-rendering of graph with a task.
  • Trigger re-rendering of graph upon file save.
  • Render graph in a window alongside or in a tab of vs code.
  • Click on a node in the graph navigates to the corresponding file in a vs code tab [1].
  • Navigating to a file in vs code highlights the corresponding node in the graph.
  • Show only 7+/-2 nodes visible at once - rest is omitted for easier comprehension.
  • [partly] Show only relevant nodes like domain models, services, events, consumers, publishers etc.
  • Navigate the graph with keyboard.

[1] VS Code interactive graphviz extension

Complete App Graph

Show the whole application in one picture.

Allow to filter

The include filter keeps only the origin nodes that contains one the given names. Afterwards the exclude filter removes all outgoing dependencies that contains one the given names.