
A LALR Parser

Primary LanguageM4


LR_Scanner is a LALR Parser generator. It uses the normal LALR table generating algorithm like yacc.

The most different between yacc(bison) is that this project is designed as an embedd C++ library. It has the ablity of changing the grammar at runtime.


This project is part of the Elite-lang, but it can be built with cmake.

Before building the project, please check the tools: cmake, C++ compiler, flex and bison


This project will read the configuartion of EBNF and generate a push-down automata to scan the input tokens. To dynamically change the actions of EBNF, this project has been linked with a lua engine. So you can run lua scripts inside the action block.

The configuartion file has the following format:

<program> = <initlua> <definelist> <main> ;

# 调用lua的初始化脚本
<initlua> = e {{ require("init_pcode") }} ;

# 主函数部分
<main> = "function" "main" <maindo> <push> "(" <parametersdef> ")" <funcblock> ;
<maindo> = e {{
    write_code( 1, now_pointer() )
}} ; # 这里已经很确定的知道了,main函数的跳转是第一条语句的强制跳转,所以在1位置写入

# 定义列表
<definelist> = <definelist> <define> | e ;
<define> = <constdef> | <vardef> | <functiondef> ;

# 变量和常量定义
<constdef> = "const" <const_def_run>  <vardef> {{ isconstdef = false }} ;
<vardef> = "int" <iddeflist> ";" ;
<iddeflist> = <iddeflist> "," <iddef> | <iddef> ;
<iddef> = [id:id] "=" [int:i] {{ 
            i.data = tonumber(i.val)
        | [id:id] {{ 
        }} ;

<const_def_run> = e {{ isconstdef = true }} ;  # 这里对常量做了单独的优化,认为是一个立即数

# 函数定义
<functiondef> = "function" <function_id> <push> "(" <parametersdef> ")" <funcblock> ;
<parametersdef> = e | <parameterlist> ;
<parameterlist> = <parameterlist> "," [id:id] {{
                | [id:id] {{
                }} ;
<function_id> = [id:id] {{
                print("function ",id.val); save_id(id.val,func_kind,int_type,now_pointer()) 
            }} ;

# 块定义
<block> = <push> "{"  <statementlist> <pop> "}" ; # block 需要处理符号栈的压栈问题
<funcblock> = "{"  <statementlist> <pop> "}" ;    # function的block需要将参数和自己的局部变量一同考虑
<push> = e {{ push_stack() paramsum = 0 }} ;
<pop>  = e {{ make_code(RET,0) pop_stack() }} ;

<statementlist> = <statementlist> <statement> | e ;

# 语句的所有可能情况列表
<statement> = <vardef> | <constdef> | <ifstatement> | <whilestatement> 
            | <putstatement> ";" | <callstatement> ";" | <block>
            | <readstatement> ";" | <writestatement> ";" | <returnstatement> ";" ;

# 赋值语句
<putstatement> = <idlist:list> "=" <Elist> {{
    local last = list
    while last do
        make_code( STO, last.level, last.address )
        last = last.pre

# 条件语句 好烦人的拉链回填,为避免if嵌套带来的问题,还需要使用链表记录 = = 
<ifstatement> = "if" "(" <condition:c> <iflistdo> ")" <statement:s>   
                write_code(iflist.data, now_pointer())
                iflist = iflist.pre
              | "if" "(" <condition:c> <iflistdo> ")" <statement:s1> <iflistdoelse> "else" <statement:s2>
                write_code(iflist.data, now_pointer())
                iflist = iflist.pre

<iflistdo> = e  # 这里使用的是邵兵老师讲的拉链回填技术 ,  JPC(1) , pointer(4) , JMP(1) , pointer(4) , 
        make_code( JPC, now_pointer()+10 )
        make_code( JMP, 0 )
        iflist = { pre = iflist , data = now_pointer() - 4 }
    }} ;

<iflistdoelse> = e   # 这里是else的拉链部分 JPC(1) , pointer(4) , JMP(1) , pointer(4) , s1 , JMP(1) , pointer(4) , s2 
        make_code( JMP, 0 )
        write_code(iflist.data, now_pointer())
        iflist = iflist.pre
        iflist = { pre = iflist , data = now_pointer() - 4 }
    }} ;

<condition> = <E> [opte] <E> | "!" <E> | <E> ;

# while型循环语句
<whilestatement> = "while" <whiledo> "(" <condition> <iflistdo> ")" <statement> 
}} ;

<whiledo> = e {{ 
    make_code( JMP, 0 )
    write_code(iflist.data, now_pointer())
    iflist = iflist.pre
    iflist = { pre = iflist , data = now_pointer() - 4 }
}} ;

# 返回语句
<returnstatement> = "return" <parameterscall> {{
}} ;

# 函数调用语句
<callstatement> = [id:id] "(" <parameterscall> ")" {{
    local t = find_id( id.val );
    if t.kind == func_kind then
        make_code( CAL, t.level, t.address )
        print("Error name of the function")
}} ;

# 参数列表 简单讲就是可空的表达式列表
<parameterscall> = <Elist> | e ; 

# id列表,用于赋值语句
# 其实本质上就是将当前栈顶的内容一个个的存入对应的变量中
<idlist> = <idlist:list> "," [id:id]  # 这个部分是一个链表
            id.pre = list  
            return id
         | [id:id] {{ 
            id.level, id.address = varload_address(id.val)
            return id

# 表达式列表,用于赋值语句等
# 其实本质上就是将当前的要计算的东西算好,放在栈顶就行了
<Elist> = <Elist> "," <E> | <E> ;

<readstatement> = "read" "(" <readidlist> ")" {{
    local last = list
    while last do
        make_code( RED, last.level, last.address )
        last = last.pre
}} ;

<readidlist> = <readidlist:list> "," [id:id] {{
            id.level, id.address = varload_address(id.val)
            make_code( RED, id.level, id.address )
          }} | [id:id] {{ 
            id.level, id.address = varload_address(id.val)
            make_code( RED, id.level, id.address )

<writestatement> = "write" "(" <WriteElist> ")" ;

<WriteElist> = <WriteElist> "," <E:exp> {{
            make_code( WRT )
          }} | <E:e> {{
            make_code( WRT )
          }} ;

<E> = <T:t>        {{ return t;  }}
    | <E:exp> [optd:opt] <T:t> 
        local p = trytoCalculate(exp, t, opt.val)
        if p ~= nil then
            local table = {}
            table.data = p
            return table
<T> = <T:t> [optc:opt] <F:f> 	# trytoCalculate这个函数中会尝试计算两个值,如果尝试失败,则会生成两条计算指令
        local p = trytoCalculate(t, f, opt.val)
        if p ~= nil then
            local table = {}
            table.data = p
            return table
    | <F:f> 		{{ print("F",f.data,f.level,f.address) return f; }}
<F> = "(" <E:exp> ")" 	{{ print("( E )",exp.data,exp.level,exp.address)  return exp;  }}
    | <I:i>		{{ print("I",i.data,i.level,i.address) return i; }}
    | <callstatement> {{  }}    
<I> = [int:i]  		{{  i.data = tonumber(i.val); make_code(LIT, i.data) return i;  }}
    | [float:f]		{{  f.data = tonumber(f.val); make_code(LIT, i.data) return f;  }}
    | [id:id]       {{  varload(id.val); return id; }}