First time creating and deploying angular2 app
These instructions teach you how to create and deploy angular2 using Firebase and Angular2 CLI
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- nodejs
- npm
- git
- angular2 CLI
A step by step
nodejs & npm:
angular2 CLI:
$ npm install angular-cli -g
Create app:
$ ng new my-app
Enter app directory:
$ cd fb-host-test
Run app:
$ ng serve
goto [http://localhost:4200] and see if app works.
build app for deploy:
$ ng build --prod
goto [] and create a new Firebase project.
install firebase tools:
$ npm install -g firebase-tools
deploy to firebase:
$ firebase login
after authentication, run:
$ firebase init
First of all you're being asked which of the Firebase client features you want to use. Select the option Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting site. Next the Firebase client will ask which folder to use for deployment. Type in dist. That is important because that is the location where our production build is stored.
Next the question is ask if this app is a single page app and if it should rewrite all URLs to index.html. In our case we need to answer yes.
Last question is if Firebase should over write file index.html. The answer to that question is no.
now run: $ firebase deploy
- Hosting Angular 2 Applications On Firebase - Initial work - Sebastian Eschweiler