
Designed to be used with crontab at your preferred interval. Example, every 15 minutes */15 * * * * ~/optiprice/./optiprice

Requires change to point to your prometheus database (this will be updated to read from /status endpoint instead soon)

Sample config.json
    "high_stream_count": 10,
    "target_stream_count": 8,
    "low_price": 100,
    "high_price": 600,
    "price_increment": 50
  • Each interval that goes over the high_stream_count will incur a price increase by the price_increment
  • Each interval that goes under the target_stream_count will incur a price decrease by the price_increment
  • Each interval that is between target_stream_count and high_stream_count will incur no price change
  • The price will not go below low_price or above high_price