
:octocat: This application was developed with React Native, consuming github API to load user information and their favorite repositories

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github Overview


This application was developed with React Native, consuming github API to load user information and their favorite repositories

javascript reactnative languages technologies

Description   |    Technologies   |    Project's goal   |    Prerequisites   |    How to Run   |    Result

📝 Description

This application was created according to the teachings of Rocketseat , with a focus on mobile to put into practice the teachings about React Native and other dependencies , such as Axios for API consumption and React Navigation for transition between screens.

🚀 Technologies

🎯 Project's goal

The satisfaction of completing a mobile project, with the purpose of learning, is very gratifying, as it helps to raise your creativity and willpower to face challenges and solve problems, in this application I develop following video lessons, but the biggest challenge was to convert parts of old methods for what the tools used in development currently support, involved a lot of research and a lot of attention, and I was happy with the result.

⚠️ Prerequisites

To use and test the app on a simulator or on your smartphone, you must have already set up the development environment for React Native apps.

You can follow the following article (PT-BR) to set up your environment:
React Native Environment (Android/iOS)

▶️ How to Run

To clone and run this application, you will need Git , Node.js v12.18 or higher + Yarn v1.22 or higher installed on your computer.

On your command line:

# Clone the repository in some directory of your computer
$ git clone https://github.com/eliveltonsf/github-overview-mobile.git

# Enter in the repository
$ cd githubOverview

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn install

# Run the app (iOS)
$ yarn ios

# Run the app (Android)
$ yarn android

✅ Result

Main screen and favorite repository list screen

Made with 💜 By Elivelton Ferreira. Get in touch! 📲