
fork from soda

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


soda := OpenAPI3.1 + fiber


package main
import (


type Auth struct {
 Token string `header:"Authorization" oai:"description=some JWT Token"`

type ExParameters struct {
 Auth            // the embed struct will be parsed as well
 ID     int      `path:"id"      oai:"description=some id"                           `
 Q      []string `query:"q"      oai:"description=support list parameters"            `
 Limit  int      `query:"limit"  oai:"description=limit params"                      `
 Offset int8     `query:"offset" oai:"description=offset params"                     `

type ExBody struct {
 Body struct {
  ID     int      `json:"id"     validate:"required" oai:"description=this is the id"`
  Q      []string `json:"q"      validate:"required" oai:"description=the query to search"`
  Limit  int      `json:"limit"  validate:"required" oai:"description=limit;maximum=20"`
  Offset int      `json:"offset" validate:"required" oai:"description=offset"`
 } `body:"json"`

type ExampleResponse struct {
 Parameters  *ExParameters `json:"parameters"`
 RequestBody *ExBody       `json:"request_body"`
type ErrorResponse struct {
 Error string `json:"error"`

func exampleGet(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
 params := soda.GetInput[ExParameters](c)
 fmt.Println(params.Token, params.Limit, params.Offset, params.Q)
 return c.Status(200).JSON(ExampleResponse{
  Parameters: params,

func examplePost(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
 input := soda.GetInput[ExBody](c)
 fmt.Println(input.Body.Limit, input.Body.Offset, input.Body.Q)
 return c.Status(200).JSON(ExampleResponse{
  RequestBody: input,

func main() {
 app := soda.New(fiber.New()).
  AddUI("/", soda.UIStoplightElement).
  AddUI("/swagger", soda.UISwaggerUI)

 app.Fiber.Use(logger.New(), requestid.New())

 app.Get("/test/:id", exampleGet).
  AddJSONResponse(200, ExampleResponse{}).
  AddJSONResponse(400, ErrorResponse{}).OK()

 app.Post("/test", examplePost).
  AddJSONResponse(200, ExampleResponse{}).
  AddJSONResponse(400, ErrorResponse{}).OK()
 _ = app.Fiber.Listen(":8080")

check your openapi3 spec file at http://localhost:8080/openapi.json

and embed openapi3 renderer