
Demonstrating GA4GH TES usage in hybrid cloud use cases

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Demonstrate the federated execution of a Snakemake workflow across a network of compute centers operationalized through the GA4GH TES API.

Note: This demonstrator was adapted from an [earlier demonstrator][tut-cwl] focusing on the execution of a CWL workflow.

Service requirements

The following services were already deployed by ELIXIR for the demo:

Service Service Type Version / Image Configuration Comment
TESK TES instance cerit.io/tes-wes/tesk-api:0.1 Authorization checks disabled Deployments for Kubernetes and OpenShift
Funnel TES instance 0.10.1 (OpenPBS) / commit #52ef90f (Slurm) Basic authentication Deployments for OpenPBS and Slurm; others possible
proTES TES clienet & instance elixircloud/protes:20230218 Authorization checks disabled; all TESK and Funnel instances need to be listed in tes.service_list in the app configuration prior to executing the demo
?? S3 server ?? ?? ??

Client requirements

You can install the demo requirements with Conda or Mamba:

conda env install -n demo-2023-ecp-f2f -f environment.yml
# or
mamba env install -n demo-2023-ecp-f2f -f environment.yml

Reinstall py-tes and check out a specific commit:

pip uninstall -y py-tes
pip install git+https://github.com/ohsu-comp-bio/py-tes.git@5379b2a08bc911f7af55bd835dbd85aad0124c6a

Verify the successful installation:

curl --version
jq --version
jupyter --version
jupyter-lab --version
snakemake --version

Next, you need to create a listing of the available TES instances in a comma-seprated file .tes_instances. Two fields/columns are required, a description of the TES instance, and the URL pointing to it.

You can use the following command to create such a file, but make sure to replace the example contents and do not use commas in the name/description field:

cat << "EOF" > .tes_instances
Funnel/Slurm @ YourNode,https://tes.your-node.org/
Funnel/PBS @ YetAnotherNode,https://tes.yet-another-node.org/
TESK/Kubernetes @ OtherNode,https://tes.other-node.org/

You will also need to create a comma-separated file .inputs, containing the locations of input files and the URLs pointing to them, in the first and second field, respectively. Additionally, the file needs to include one row, in which the first field is workflow (case-sensitive!). This file will be used as an input to the example CWL workflow in the last part. You can use the following command to create such a file, but make sure to replace the example contents. Also make sure not to include commas in the file location field.

cat << "EOF" > .inputs

Finally, you will need to create a secrets file .env with the following command. You can either set the environment variables in your shell or set the actual values in the command below. Either way, you need to create the file, it is not sufficient to just the environment variables in your shell!

cat << EOF > .env

If you want to run the demo on the ELIXIR Cloud infrastructure, please contact Alex Kanitz who can share the TES instances and secrets with you.

Start notebook server

Start the Jupiter notebook server with the following command:

jupyter-lab demo.ipynb

Alternatively, run the demo via Jupyter Notebook or via your shell terminal.