
Add support for TES v1.1

Closed this issue · 2 comments

TES v1.1 has recently been released: https://github.com/ga4gh/task-execution-schemas/releases/tag/v1.1


  • provide updates (not replacements) for any tests that change
  • add a v1.1 version tag for any tests that remain the same
  • add tests for any additional functionalities introduced through the version change, if any (probably not)
LakiG commented

For Task 1, since v1.1 is backwards compatible, there are no breaking changes in current tests.
For Task 3, we can add a test related to the filtering logic. The backend parameters seem like metadata.
We can add version tags to the YAML test files as you mentioned in Task 2.

Thanks. Good point about backward compatibility (except for the int64 to int32 change). And indeed, for all tests compatible with both spec versions, tags should be added.

But given that there are changes in the specs, I guess some new tests should be written specifically for the changed behaviors, wherever possible, as you suggest.