Machine Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine - Revived

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MENACER: Machine Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine - Revived

MENACER (Machine Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine - Revived) is a computer program that plays the game of Noughts and Crosses (aka. Tic-Tac-Toe). It learns, evolves and gets better at the game with every game it plays.

API Examples

MENACER vs Human

from menacer import AgentX, AgentO, playNoughtsCrosses

# Initialize MDP Agent that plays 'X' with random policy
agentx = AgentX()
agento = 'human'

while True:
        # Simulate a game between agentx and agento
        game = playNoughtsCrosses(agentx, agento)

        # Update the MDP and policy of agentx to learn from game


from menacer import AgentX, AgentO, playNoughtsCrosses

# Initialize MDP Agents that plays 'X' and 'O' with random policies
agentx = AgentX()
agento = AgentO()

# Define the number games to be simulated
n_games = 1000

for i_game in range(n_games):

        # Simulate a game between agentx and agento
        game = playNoughtsCrosses(agentx, agento)

        # Update the MDP and policy of agents to learn from game

Dumping and Loading Pre-Trained Agents

Pre-trained agents can be serialized, and dumped or loaded from binary files using the pickle library.

How it Works

MENACER is a simple reinforcement learning (RL) agent that uses Markov Decision Process (MDP) model to capture the dynamics of the game, and value iteration algorithm to determine the probabilistically optimum move to play for every possible configuration of the board.

MENACER employs two seperate Markov Decision Process (MDP) models to learn the dynamics of gameplay for agents that play the Noughts ('X') and the Crosses ('O') respectively.

The various possible configurations of the Noughts and Crosses board correspond to the states in the MDP models.

The MDP model of an agent (either the agent that plays Noughts or the agent that plays Crosses) only involves states where the agent plays the next move, along with states that correspond to the won, lost and drawn configurations of the board.


The board configurations can be represented in two forms:

  • String Representation: a 9-character string composed of 'x' (noughts), 'o' (crosses) and '.' (empty space). Example: '.ooxo..x.'
  • Array Representation: a 9-element array composed of '1' (noughts), '0' (empty space) and '-1' (crosses). Example: [0, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0]

The string notation can be conveniently used as keys in the hashing data structures used to store the policy, transition probabilities and rewards for the states in the MDP model.

The next move to play for a given board configuration is symmetric (or identical) for rotated and/or mirrored configurations of the board. The board configurations can be represented in a rotation and mirror-invariant form called the standard form.

The standard form of a board configuration is the board configuration which has the lexicographically largest array representation among the eight possible rotated and/or mirrored configurations of the given board.


The use of the standard form of the board configurations to represent the states in the MDP models drastically reduce the number of possible states and improve the learning capability of the agent.


The various next moves (or positions) that an agent can play for a given board configuration correspond to actions that can be performed at the corresponding state in the MDP model.

The possible actions that can be performed at a given state in the MDP models are encoded as a subset of numbers enumerated from 0 to 8, each corresponding to one of the nine possible positions in the board.

Contributor's Section

The MENACER community encouages all its members to contribute to the project in however small ways possible.

Some of the important milestones in the future roadmap of MENACER include:

  • Creation of Website: Since, large hours of training are necessary for the agents to capture the complete dynamics of the game and evolve to become expert players in the game of Noughts and Crosses, creation of a website where the users can play against MENACER is of primal focus.

Please refer to issues section for related discussion and more information on possible directions of future work.