Crawly, a high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Elixir.
- 8
- 1
Updating ex_doc to the latest version
#302 opened by malinowskip - 1
- 1
Set base_url in init options instead of callback
#296 opened by adonig - 3
Running many instances of one spider
#255 opened by serpent213 - 5
Make the management tool opt-in by default
#262 opened by aej - 5
Error: Could not load spiders.
#271 opened by 3even - 4
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Protocol error
#238 opened by assertnotnull - 10
robots.txt matching is pretty buggy
#254 opened by serpent213 - 0
- 1
- 3
Upgrade to `httpoison` 2.x?
#276 opened by samrat - 4
management Web UI on localhost:4001 is not working
#278 opened by cmnstmntmn - 1
- 1
CI issue: Failed to upload the report to 'https://coveralls.io', Couldn't find a repository matching this job.
#288 opened by OldhamMade - 6
Advice wanted, usage with oban
#179 opened by bapti - 1
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Provide more examples / detailed docs on custom request header override per spider
#176 opened by DaniruKun - 1
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My Spider's code is never invoked, weird behavior with `Crawly.RequestsStorage.pop` in library code
#224 opened by azrosen92 - 2
This is actually a question, Nested scraping
#229 opened by shellking4 - 1
Genserver time out crash in long-running pipeline
#230 opened by starcraft66 - 2
Stop and resume the spider where it stopped
#232 opened by shellking4 - 1
jl files not found probably not writing
#212 opened by shellking4 - 4
Any working examples?
#210 opened by dogweather - 0
Typespecs for crawly splash fetcher options are wrong
#182 opened by Ziinc - 4
Generic `Pipeline crash` error
#185 opened by thiagomajesk - 2
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custom parsar callback sample
#189 opened by ziyouchutuwenwu - 0
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Configurable SendToUI Pipeline
#152 opened by FrancescoZ - 1
[question] scrapping dynamic urls
#186 opened by mario-mazo - 3
Demo page not loading
#198 opened by braynm - 1
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Crawly.fetch giving 301 response instead of 200
#214 opened by shellking4 - 5
Could not compile dependency :epipe
#190 opened by avillen - 1
curl fetcher
#181 opened by dkuku - 1
Observed crash of Genserver
#184 opened by bapti - 6
js render problem
#188 opened by ziyouchutuwenwu - 1
Improvements to file logging
#163 opened by Ziinc - 1
any way to skip certificate validation?
#160 opened by dkuku - 1
Question: Chat for crawly users
#147 opened by oltarasenko - 10
How to wait for running spiders to finish?
#153 opened by phortx - 1