Unique constraints do not detect the changeset unique_constraint/3
Allyedge opened this issue · 1 comments
So, I have a very simple unique constraint set up, but for some reason it keeps saying this:
If you would like to stop this constraint violation from raising an
exception and instead add it as an error to your changeset, please
call `unique_constraint/3` on your changeset with the constraint
`:name` as an option.
I am using PlanetScale, so perhaps that is the issue? I have no idea.
MySQL: 8.0.21-Vitess
Elixir: 1.14.2
MyXQL 0.6.3
db_connection: 2.4.3
This is my migration.
defmodule Server.Repo.Migrations.CreateConnections do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create table(:connections) do
add(:sender_id, :string)
add(:receiver_id, :string)
add(:status, :string)
unique_index(:connections, [:sender_id, :receiver_id],
name: :connections_sender_id_receiver_id_index
And this is the schema.
defmodule Server.Connections.Connection do
use Ecto.Schema
import Ecto.Changeset
schema "connections" do
field(:receiver_id, :string)
field(:sender_id, :string)
field(:status, Ecto.Enum, values: [:pending, :accepted, :rejected], default: :pending)
@doc false
def changeset(connection, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, [:sender_id, :receiver_id, :status])
|> validate_required([:sender_id, :receiver_id])
|> validate_inclusion(:status, [:pending, :accepted, :rejected])
|> unique_constraint([:sender_id, :receiver_id],
name: :connections_sender_id_receiver_id_index
Am I doing something wrong here? Or is it perhaps another issue? Perhaps something related to Vitess?
This is the entire error.
[error] #PID<0.512.0> running Phoenix.Endpoint.SyncCodeReloadPlug (connection #PID<0.511.0>, stream id 1) terminated
Server: localhost:4000 (http)
Request: POST /api/connections
** (exit) an exception was raised:
** (Ecto.ConstraintError) constraint error when attempting to insert struct:
* connections_sender_id_receiver_id_index' (errno 1062) (sqlstate 23000) (CallerID: l4g61f89hivug6cg702g): Sql: "insert into connections(receiver_id, sender_id, `status`, inserted_at, updated_at) values (:v1, :v2, :v3, :v4, :v5)", BindVars: {REDACTED (unique_constraint)
If you would like to stop this constraint violation from raising an
exception and instead add it as an error to your changeset, please
call `unique_constraint/3` on your changeset with the constraint
`:name` as an option.
The changeset defined the following constraints:
* connections_sender_id_receiver_id_index (unique_constraint)
(ecto 3.9.5) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:795: anonymous fn/4 in Ecto.Repo.Schema.constraints_to_errors/3
(elixir 1.14.2) lib/enum.ex:1658: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
(ecto 3.9.5) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:780: Ecto.Repo.Schema.constraints_to_errors/3
(ecto 3.9.5) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:761: Ecto.Repo.Schema.apply/4
(ecto 3.9.5) lib/ecto/repo/schema.ex:369: anonymous fn/15 in Ecto.Repo.Schema.do_insert/4
(server 0.1.0) lib/server_web/controllers/connection_controller.ex:15: ServerWeb.ConnectionController.create/2
(server 0.1.0) lib/server_web/controllers/connection_controller.ex:1: ServerWeb.ConnectionController.action/2
(server 0.1.0) lib/server_web/controllers/connection_controller.ex:1: ServerWeb.ConnectionController.phoenix_controller_pipeline/2
(phoenix 1.7.2) lib/phoenix/router.ex:430: Phoenix.Router.__call__/5
(server 0.1.0) lib/server_web/endpoint.ex:1: ServerWeb.Endpoint.plug_builder_call/2
(server 0.1.0) lib/plug/debugger.ex:136: ServerWeb.Endpoint."call (overridable 3)"/2
(server 0.1.0) lib/server_web/endpoint.ex:1: ServerWeb.Endpoint.call/2
(phoenix 1.7.2) lib/phoenix/endpoint/sync_code_reload_plug.ex:22: Phoenix.Endpoint.SyncCodeReloadPlug.do_call/4
(plug_cowboy 2.6.1) lib/plug/cowboy/handler.ex:11: Plug.Cowboy.Handler.init/2
(cowboy 2.9.0) /home/allyedge/code/reanvue/server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_handler.erl:37: :cowboy_handler.execute/2
(cowboy 2.9.0) /home/allyedge/code/reanvue/server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl:306: :cowboy_stream_h.execute/3
(cowboy 2.9.0) /home/allyedge/code/reanvue/server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_stream_h.erl:295: :cowboy_stream_h.request_process/3
(stdlib 4.1.1) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
thank you for the report!
connections_sender_id_receiver_id_index' (errno 1062)
the trailing '
in …index'
looks pretty suspicious, maybe it prevents from matching the constraint name.
I believe it is not a myxql issue but an ecto_sql issue so let’s track it there. Can you reopen it in the latter? Before doing so if you could test your code (and/or come up with a minimal example, ideally a single file one like https://github.com/wojtekmach/mix_install_examples/blob/main/ecto_sql.exs) against stock MySQL server to see if it might be a planet scale related issue after all.