- 23
- 5
- 12
Unable to connect to mysql8 database remotely with mysql_native_password plugin
#169 opened by doublej74 - 0
Error when use UPDATE or INSERT on `query_many`
#193 opened by igorsegallafa - 1
- 6
datetime vs timestamp
#188 opened by gregors - 0
- 1
pass check constraint error number 3819 / `ER_CHECK_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATED` as a `MyXQL.Error` server error code
#186 opened by petermueller - 2
How to configure ipv6 in `socket_options` ?
#182 opened by iagocavalcante - 7
BUG: Can't decode FLOAT/DOUBLE in TextQuery when the fractional portion of the number is 0
#180 opened by benkimpel - 2
Telemetry support
#179 opened by yoonwaiyan - 4
Unable to connect to sphinxsearch server
#178 opened by Slavenin - 15
- 2
Please release a new version with issue 160 fixed
#170 opened by Sinc63 - 2
Add support for returning
#171 opened by Schultzer - 3
- 1
- 1
No case clause matching
#164 opened by saleynik - 2
- 1
Can't connect through SSH tunnel
#161 opened by the-noob - 4
Conection failed on a Windows PC
#158 opened by belgoros - 2
MyXQL.Connection (#PID<0.394.0>) failed to connect: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) (/tmp/mysql.sock) address family not supported by protocol family - :eafnosup
#157 opened by sysmat - 3
Phoenix - Specify socket location
#99 opened by justinbkay - 3
Client-side prepared statements
#150 opened by heri16 - 3
Can we add command to Result to mirror Postgrex?
#137 opened by ivanovv - 2
Evaluating Pooling behaviour.
#149 opened by robotarmy - 14
- 10
Stored Procedure Multi-Resultset
#143 opened by greg-rychlewski - 2
Using loops in MySQL stored procedures
#140 opened by ibooking-rolf - 5
Compile time warning with db_connection 2.4.1: got "@impl true" for function checkin/1 but no behaviour specifies such callback
#141 opened by decius7bc - 5
MyXQL.Error ER_TOO_LONG_KEY on custom primary key
#102 opened by 1player - 2
`(MyXQL.Error) (1071) Specified key was too long; max key length is 3072 bytes` for any index size
#139 opened by thiagomajesk - 15
Any way to use query_type: text on Repo.insert_all?
#109 opened by byronpc - 7
Improving `DBConnection.ConnectionError` message
#135 opened by akash-akya - 2
No able to connect to TiDB
#133 opened by cleanyong - 2
How to Set Pool Size
#130 opened by besteman - 6
Storing geospatial data error on MySQL 8.0.22
#129 opened by jeroenbourgois - 2
timeout: :infinity ignored?
#128 opened by wmnnd - 1
Do not raise exception when decoding packets
#119 opened by wojtekmach - 1
- 3
(MyXQL.Error) (1835) (ER_MALFORMED_PACKET) Malformed communication packet with Mariadb 10.3.26
#127 opened by Efesto - 2
LOAD DATA support
#122 opened by chulkilee - 1
How to close a connection to DB?
#121 opened by matthieuchabert - 4
add_if_not_exists doesn't seem to work
#118 opened by anamba - 2
New release
#113 opened by gheorghina - 2
MatchError in MyXQL.Client.com_stmt_close/2
#111 opened by devonestes - 9
Issue with Prepared Statements keep growing
#103 opened by byronpc - 6
Identical prepared statements per connection
#107 opened by byronpc - 5
decode_time issue on myxql
#100 opened by byronpc - 3
Migration fails when renaming a column
#101 opened by samsamai