
Image.avatar/2 does not resize to either the default or specified size

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm pretty excited about replacing ImageMagick with Image, but right now I'm running into an issue with avatar!/2 and avatar/2. In each case, I'm receiving seemingly randomly resized images from the original.


After running the following through, Image.avatar(i, [size: 300, shape: :square])



The resulting image is only 169px wide/high.

That isn't the only image I'm having troubles with. It does seem to come close to getting it right if I start with a square, but it still shaves off a few pixels in both directions.

I'm running the following;

  • Elixir 1.15.4 OTP 26
  • Image v0.39.1

Thanks for the report. And yes, definitely a bug. The source of the bug comes from the initial cropping of the source image which is cropping the longest edge to the :size parameter. That works find when the source image is already square, but not so good for images like your example.

I've pushed a commit that forces a resize which I believe fixes this issue.

Would you consider configuring to run image from GitHub and see if it now does what you expect? Just configure in mix.exs as {:image, github: "kipcole9/image"}.

Let me know and I'll publish an update to hex.

Almost. It resizes to the correct size now, but it squashes images rather than cropping them.



Also, I really appreciate your help on this.

Ah, yes, I see that. Back to work on it.....

I think I've got it sorted now in the latest commit. Let me know if I got it right this time?

Nailed it. Thanks a ton

\m/ (>.<) \m/

I've published image 0.39.2 with the following changelog entry:

Bug Fix

  • Fix Image.avatar/2 to correctly resize and maintain aspect ratio. Thanks to @samullen for the report and patience. Closes #123.

Thanks again for the collaboration.