- 2
- 15
- 1
- 2
A producer or filter stage that buffers all events and can replay them
#305 opened by RudolfVonKrugstein - 0
There is typo in docs of GenStage module.
#299 opened by uzairaslam196 - 3
Issue changing demand on-the-fly
#295 opened by manuel-rubio - 0
- 2
- 4
Usage of rate-limiter example is unclear
#284 opened by TylerPachal - 1
- 8
Support handle_continue
#227 opened by palm86 - 6
- 4
New release
#270 opened by mezz - 2
- 9
- 6
Road to 1.0
#213 opened by axelson - 2
Question about ConsumerSupervisor
#253 opened by danbaranov - 1
Version 0.14.3 released?
#252 opened by tomciopp - 1
- 1
[Feature request] add from ref to handle_demand.
#248 opened by louaykamel - 11
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in GenStage.Streamer.handle_info/2
#238 opened by mgwidmann - 1
Dialyzer Error In GenState.async_subscribe/2
#246 opened by asummers - 2
Release 0.14.2?
#239 opened by jeroenvisser101 - 2
Doc typo in min_demand paragraph
#235 opened by happysalada - 1
- 3
Link required for ConsumerSupervisor?
#229 opened by axelson - 16
Remote node disconnect with ConsumerSupervisor
#228 opened by tpitale - 9
Subscribing to BroadcastDispatcher is not idempotent
#224 opened by evnu - 3
- 0
- 6
GenStage.cancel kills the associated consumer instead of just the subscription
#222 opened by vegabook - 2
- 20
:producer_consumer doesn't invoke handle_demand
#214 opened by toddkazakov - 6
PartitionDispatch function documentation
#204 opened by teamon - 1
Dialyzer warning for ConsumerSupervisor.start_link/3
#203 opened by Kraigie - 0
What if a Consumer crashes?
#202 opened by grantwest - 1
Unhandled message warn !
#199 opened by safwanolaimat - 5
- 2
Dialyzer error in init callback
#193 opened by lukaszsamson - 4
- 1
Clarify supervision tree example in docs
#179 opened by christopheradams - 0
ConsumerSupervisor will ask for demand even if previously crashed child restarts.
#191 opened by seivan - 1
Why is `handle_demand/2` required?
#188 opened by isaacsanders - 2
ecto queries being re-prepared
#192 opened by jedeleh - 4
- 2
`ConsumerSupevisor.init/2` doesn't work with list.
#186 opened by seivan - 1
Supervisor.init/2 is undefined or private
#170 opened by KamilLelonek - 4
- 3
testing a flow
#182 opened by epinault - 3