A frontend-independent IDE "smartness" server for Elixir. Implements the "Language Server Protocol" standard and provides debugger support via the "Debug Adapter Protocol"
- 3h153h15.com
- adelarsqSpassu
- andylUS West
- antedeguemon@scorebet
- apayuTaiwan
- ArtemGits
- axelsonHonolulu, HI
- blakedietzBoise, Idaho
- cao7113Shareup
- ddaugherpersonal
- delamekoStubgun
- dvic@qdentity
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- Elixir-Assistant
- h0m1
- honoodBeijing, China
- hudsilva@cloudwalk
- isubastiVericus pty ltd
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- mpmiszczykWarsaw; Poland
- nifocnedeco GmbH
- NobbZBravoBike GmbH
- nresni
- semarcoNinjaConcept GmbH
- shaunr0b
- theevangelista
- tiger808Tiger Island Software
- Trevoke@mechanical-orchard
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- ZombieHarvester