
Provides context-aware information for code completion, documentation, go/jump to definition, signature info and more

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

ElixirSense Actions Status

An API for Elixir projects that provides building blocks for code completion, documentation, go/jump to definition, signature info and more via AST inspection and runtime introspection.


defp deps do
    {:elixir_sense, github: "elixir-lsp/elixir_sense"},


$ mix deps.get
$ mix test

A few of the tests require a source installation of Elixir which you can accomplish with asdf (use ref:v1.12.3) or kiex

To run the tests that require a source installation of Elixir run:

mix test --include requires_source

For coverage:

mix coveralls


  • This project probably wouldn't even exist without all the work done by Samuel Tonini and all contributors from alchemist-server.
  • The Expand feature was inspired by the mex tool by Luc Fueston. There's also a very nice post where he describes the whole process of Building A Macro-Expansion Helper for IEx.
  • This project includes modified source code from Elixir project IEx autocomplete Copyright (c) 2012 Plataformatec, which powers introspection and suggestions features
  • This project includes modified source code from ExDoc project ExDoc Copyright (c) 2012 Plataformatec, which powers documentation retrieval and formatting