
Image processing in Elixir (ImageMagick command line wrapper)

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Module Version Hex Docs Total Download License Last Updated

An Elixir wrapper for ImageMagick command line.

Documentation: https://hexdocs.pm/mogrify/


You must have ImageMagick installed of course.


Add this to your mix.exs file, then run mix do deps.get, deps.compile:

def deps do
  {:mogrify, "~> 0.9.3"}


Configure the ImageMagick executable paths (optional):

Configure mogrify command:

config :mogrify, mogrify_command: [
  path: "magick",
  args: ["mogrify"]

Configure convert command:

config :mogrify, convert_command: [
  path: "magick",
  args: ["convert"]

Configure identify command:

config :mogrify, identify_command: [
  path: "magick",
  args: ["identify"]



import Mogrify

# This does operations on an original image:
open("input.jpg") |> resize("100x100") |> save(in_place: true)

# save/1 creates a copy of the file by default:
image = open("input.jpg") |> resize("100x100") |> save
IO.inspect(image) # => %Image{path: "/tmp/260199-input.jpg", ext: ".jpg", ...}

# Resize to fill
open("input.jpg") |> resize_to_fill("450x300") |> save

# Resize to limit
open("input.jpg") |> resize_to_limit("200x200") |> save

# Extent
open("input.jpg") |> extent("500x500") |> save

# Gravity
open("input.jpg") |> gravity("Center") |> save


import Mogrify

image = open("input.jpg") |> format("png") |> save
IO.inspect(image) # => %Image{path: "/tmp/568550-input.png", ext: ".png", format: "png"}

Getting info:

import Mogrify

image = open("input.jpg") |> verbose
IO.inspect(image) # => %Image{path: "input.jpg", ext: ".jpg", format: "jpeg", height: 292, width: 300}

Getting reduced info in a "lighter" way (uses less memory):

import Mogrify

info = identify("input.jpg")
IO.inspect(info) # => %{format: "jpeg", height: 292, width: 300}

Using custom commands to create an image with markup:

import Mogrify

%Mogrify.Image{path: "test.png", ext: "png"}
|> custom("size", "280x280")
|> custom("background", "#000000")
|> custom("gravity", "center")
|> custom("fill", "white")
|> custom("font", "DejaVu-Sans-Mono-Bold")
|> custom("pango", ~S(<span foreground="yellow">hello markup world</span>))
|> create(path: ".")

Plasma backgrounds:

import Mogrify

%Mogrify.Image{path: "test.png", ext: "png"}
|> custom("size", "280x280")
|> custom("seed", 10)
|> custom("plasma", "fractal")

Creating new images: See mogrify_draw for an example of generating a new image from scratch.


See the changelog for important release notes between Mogrify versions.

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2014 Dmitry Vorotilin

Mogrify source code is licensed under the MIT License.