
A set of mix tasks to get MessageDB installed

Primary LanguageElixir

Message DB

For more information about Message DB, see: https://github.com/message-db.

This is a set of tasks to install Message DB from source. Inspired by the other language-specific packages such as https://github.com/message-db/ruby-gem.


def deps do
    {:message_db, "~> 0.0", github: "elixir-verity/ex-message-db"}


Clone the message-db source (recommended to be located as a sibling to your application):

git clone https://github.com/message-db/message-db.git

Sym-link database scripts (in your application):

mix mdb.symlink_database_scripts --home $PWD/..

Verify symlink:

ls priv/database/

Install Message DB:

PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=postgres PGHOST=localhost mix mdb.create_db

Delete Message DB:

PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=postgres PGHOST=localhost mix mdb.delete_db

Message DB Scripts

DATABASE_USER=postgres PGPASSWORD=postgres PGHOST=localhost priv/database/print-messages.sh

Common Issues

You cannot create users/roles on Heroku therefore the following functions and scripts will fail to execute, they need to be removed in install.sh:

  • create-user; actually creates a role
  • install-privileges; otherwise ERROR: role "message_store" does not exist

For more info on the user role, see: https://github.com/message-db/message-db#userrole.