
A list of stictly flat-file cms systems

Flat File CMS Systems

Lot's of folk are leaving Wordpress for a flat file CMS system with no database. Wordpress was built as a simple blogging platform and has evolved over the years into a feature rich CMS. Lot's of these features aren't needed by folk who merely want to blog without the bloat. We respect Wordrpess and it will always be there, this small project simply aims to give people out there a chance to work with Flat File CMS's also know as file-based CMS's.

We're not talking about static site generators here, text of xml driven file CMS's..

What is a Flat-File CMS?

Without a database the flat-file CMS stores content in files and folders unlike a traditional database. This means you don't have to query any database of any kind in your system - there is no databse. The flat-file system generates dynamic pages and each blog post or page is simply in a folder of it's own (depending on the system and how you structure it). There are several ways to populate and parse content, xml and markdown being the most popular.

There are certain advantages of not using a database like:

  • Simplicity
  • Speed
  • Security
  • Version Control
  • Maintenance
  • Portability
  • Less expense (server)

Are they "CMS-Like Systems", shouldn't they be called "Content Publishing Systems"?

Some people will argue that these flat-file CMS systems aren't real content management systems. Whilst they do let you manage your content they aren't full blown as they don't let you authentication/authorization. The argument is a full blown CMS should somehow be able to grant and deny create/read/update/delete access and permissions to users.

This can be a debatable topic, and this small project's aim to is to introduce you to these Flat-File CMS's. If you're new to the game then it's advantageous to seeing different views.

Personally I am all for Flat-File CMS's. View them below:


A stupidly simple & blazing fast, flat file CMS. Making the web easy.

Technology: PHP / Open Source

Templating: Twig

Formatting: Markdown

Website: http://pico.dev7studios.com/index.html


Kirby is a file-based CMS. Easy to setup, easy to use, flexible as hell

Technology: PHP

Templating: Roll your own

Formatting: Markdown

Website: http://getkirby.com/


An entirely new kind of CMS. Pack up your content, markup, and style. Leave the database behind. Making websites just got fun again.

Technology: PHP

Templating: Built in

Formatting: Markdown, Textile, HTML, Plain Text

Website: http://statamic.com/


An entirely new kind of CMS. Pack up your content, markup, and style. Leave the database behind. Making websites just got fun again.

Technology: PHP

Templating: Built in

Formatting: Markdown

Website: http://monstra.org/

Get Simple CMS

GetSimple is an XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independant and lite Content Management System.

Technology: PHP

Templating: Built in / Smarty

Formatting: XML

Website: http://get-simple.info/

Razor CMS

GetSimple is an XML based, stand-a-alone, fully independant and lite Content Management System.

Technology: PHP

Templating: ???

Formatting: Text

Website: http://www.razorcms.co.uk/

Flat Press

FlatPress is a blogging engine that saves your posts as simple text files.

Technology: PHP

Templating: Smarty

Formatting: Text

Website: http://flatpress.org/home/


FlatPress is a blogging engine that saves your posts as simple text files.

Technology: PHP

Templating: ??

Formatting: Markdown

Website: http://dropplets.com/


Just a Blogging Platform

Technology: PHP

Templating: http://marketplace.ghost.org/

Formatting: Markdown

Website: https://ghost.org/