- 0
Can we add a block explaining what happens when we use `put` in a map for an existing key?
#3016 opened by adityaraute - 0
Can't type anything when doing `iex -S mix`
#3015 opened by bert2 - 0 is not working
#3009 opened by inandexhale95 - 0
#2493 opened by kmaglaras - 2
Mix release entry
#2991 opened by trujillo9616 - 2
- 1
Merge Translated PRs Automatically After Review Period
#2834 opened by kinson - 4
[Suggestion] Provide code comparison between Elixir and imperative languages
#2522 opened by theevangelista - 4
New Lesson Ideas
#2604 opened by doomspork - 0
Extract examples
#2800 opened by gemantzu - 3
"Code Copy" button for code snippets
#2405 opened by konung - 1
Bug in Chrome App
#2609 opened by mojo706 - 1
- 0
- 1
Website URL link down of companies using Elixir
#2903 opened by c0d33ngr - 3
Alternative time zone database
#2577 opened by mathieuprog - 1
One line Function body
#2585 opened by anishcr - 2
- 4
cross-post of a blog
#2817 opened by TraceyOnim - 1
Company page using Elixir link shows Heroku error
#2882 opened by KhoiUna - 1
[JA] Merged PR is not reflected
#2871 opened by nakokd - 7
Pipe operator used before it's introduced
#2788 opened by snus-kin - 2
{% raw %} {% endraw %} in Mnesia code sample
#2713 opened by louwers - 2
Implement a CI tool to ensure School House will build
#2695 opened by doomspork - 2
Worked on an Elixir School PR and now my localhost:4000 is always defaulting to localhost:4000/en with Elixir School content
#2539 opened by ItzaMi - 2
Link in Functions lesson 500's
#2671 opened by devtayls - 0
HTML issue: empty h1 in blog post
#2712 opened by jaimeiniesta - 1
- 3
Forbidden codepoint on zh-hans and ja locales
#2631 opened by jaimeiniesta - 1
Update README to reflect repo's new role
#2655 opened by doomspork - 5
Date & Time links 404
#2654 opened by devtayls - 3
HTML and accessibility issues
#2490 opened by jaimeiniesta - 1
Refreshing - Visiting pushed content
#2456 opened by gemantzu - 1
Blog Live View With Presence: Usage of broadcast_from doesn't match signature in docs
#2496 opened by Exadra37 - 1
Blog: Clean Control Flow in Elixir with Pattern Matching and Immutability
#2586 opened by cristineguadelupe - 0
[FR] Update lesson Basics/Enum
#2594 opened by g-belmonte - 0
[FR] Update lesson Basics/Mix
#2592 opened by g-belmonte - 0
[FR] Update lesson Basics/Basics
#2590 opened by g-belmonte - 0
[PT] Update lesson Specifics/Nerves -> 1.1.2
#2600 opened by g-belmonte - 0
[PT] Update lesson Ecto/Associations -> 1.2.2
#2598 opened by g-belmonte - 0
[PT] Update lesson Basics/Enum -> 1.3.0
#2596 opened by g-belmonte - 1
lose char 'd' before efmodule
#2559 opened by chenyunda218 - 1
[PT] New translation: NimblePublisher
#2540 opened by thiamsantos - 1
[PT] Fix typo: OTP Supervisors
#2524 opened by AdrielBento - 2
[PT] Update lesson: Benchee
#2398 opened by thiamsantos - 2
[PT] Update lesson: Distillery
#2399 opened by thiamsantos - 0
[PT] Update lesson: Debugging
#2400 opened by thiamsantos - 2
[PT] Update lesson: Erlang Term Storage (ETS)
#2401 opened by thiamsantos - 2
[PT] Update lesson: GenStage
#2397 opened by thiamsantos - 0
About translating error messages
#2403 opened by Zuruckt